Review: Drexler # 1

G’Day Crusaders,

This is Dodgy in the mix bringing you Drexler # 1 by Bob Salley (writer), art by Nathan Kelly (and creator), colors by Don Mathias and letters by HdE. Proudly published by Feral Kingdom Studios.

This book had some buzz circulating social media, from the gorgeous pin-up works on Facebook to the exciting campaigns via Kickstarter. For me, it was the name Drexler!

I am a long-term basketball fan since the early 1990’s where ‘The Glide’ was still in his prime, so I built the courage to ask Nathan if it was inspired by former NBA (National Basketball Association to those who don’t know) player and Hall of Famer Clyde Drexler and the answer wasn’t ‘NO’ so I was convinced and more excited to check out this book.

If it aint ‘Phi Slamma Jamma’, then who could it be?

The story begins in an eerie forest near a small town outside where a young boy inadvertently makes a gruesome discovery, police and locals are tirelessly working to find out who did it.  Meanwhile we see the Drexler in action busting up an illegal trade kicking come criminal ass…

In end we find out who’s committing the monstrosities and it ain’t pretty!

I really appreciated the flow of this book, from the ambiguous opening scenes which grab the reader’s attention with suspense throughout because Bob Salley is taking us for a ride! Salley does a solid job of piecing the story together with the previously mentioned suspenseful sequences as well as the humanity with the rugged lumberjack named McKinney who comes across as someone you want to hate until you understand that he cares about his town and Detective Chief  Cara Ramon who is torn from being a local girl known through the community and a stern cop who tries to unravel this mystery. Then we have Drexler (just don’t call him Drew!), who has a mask to instill fear into his foes and KO’s with his unapologetic set of gauntlets! I enjoy the fact he communicates regularly to his team who surveillance his movements by offering advice.

The art by Nathan Kelly who created the character owns it and it carries through the book, the heavy inking reminds me of 2000AD or Heavy Metal’s which I’m  accustomed to as others may find overwhelming. However, I absolutely love how Drexler teleports as his body looks like a jigsaw puzzle hovering into thin air which is amazingly original.  In my belief, for a creator especially an artist (Jim Lee and Todd McFarlane did it!) to seek assistance from a writer as it will give an outsider’s perspective on their creation as well as give depth to their characters and think things the creator didn’t think of. Which is amazing.

This a one-part of a three-part series, I look forward to checking out the next issue and do need to do yourself a favor and check it out!

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Written by; Bob Salley
Art by; Nathan Kelly
Colors by, Don Mathias
Published by; Feral Kingdom Studios

Dodgy is the proud host of the Indie Comic Podcast Flipside Focus on the Undercover Capes Podcast Network. Check us out at

Don“t forget to catch the awesome content of Comic Crusaders and Flipside Focus,  HERE

Author Profile

Shane Tydeman
The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!

An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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