REVIEW: Faith #6

I“ve been excited for Faith having her own series since I heard the fantastical heroine was coming out with one. In a world full of disappointing mis-flavored ice cream titles, I was not let down.

Faith is one of my favorite characters to ever grace mi ojos, and I won“t lie and say I wasn“t happy when people were bitching about a plus-sized woman being a superhero. It was hilarious, and the only people complaining were the misogynistic crybabies that we have all had enough of. Squirm, worms, squirm! Faith was just begging to have her own series, and this being the sixth installment of it, I“m very happy to say that she“s is doing amazing things in amazing ways.

Also, she“s a nerd, like us! Jody Houser does an insane job on making Faith relatable, yet interesting enough to want to learn more about. She is written so human and down to earth, yet possesses super powers that enable her to fly and save the day like it“s never been saved before. There are several little fun jabs at pop culture and odes to everyday life throughout the book, my personal favorite being something relating to a little thing called Pocket Moomoos-I mean Monsters. Same thing, right? Anyway, being able to connect to a fictional character while still keeping the perspective as an onlooker is a great balance between our world and the comic book world, and Jody nails this. Though, Girl, you gotta pick you up a copy of sun and moon, I would totally trade with you.

Meghan Hetrick and Marguerite Sauvage work paw in paw with each other to create the world and the woman who is Faith. Though I do wish that the details in the artwork were better fleshed out at times, I can“t deny that the style fits this series. Sometimes it seems like finding an artist that can draw a plus-sized woman properly without feeling forced is difficult, and I just don“t understand why. Perhaps it is because so many are accustomed to drawing unrealistic size two“s their whole life, I have no idea, but none of that is felt here. Faith is beautiful and sassy and actually looks like real person, thus further driving the relatability factor upwards.

I need more of this book, period. Time to go catch some dragon types!

Writing: 5 Stars
Artwork: 5 Stars
Colors: 5 Stars
Cover: 5 Stars

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Written by JODY HOUSER

Author Profile

Kittie Pop

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