Review: Faith Dreamside #2
The cast of characters in Valiant“s “Faith: Dreamside”“ series is amongst the best in all of comics. There is the ever-lovable main character ”“ Faith aka Zephyr. Zephyr is a psiot with the awe-inspiring power to fly. Flight is the most aspirational and maybe the most desired of all super powers. Wanting to fly is kind of the reason why we read comics. But Zephyr is also the archetypal fan-girl and as such she is all of us ”“ the readers ”“ in more ways than one.
These days she“s actually going by the name Summer and donning a red wig, all to disguise herself because she is a fugitive wanted for a murder she did not commit. Faith/Zephyr/Summer“s supporting cast is equally interesting. Monica Jim, aka Animalia, a psiot with the ability to transform herself into any animal, has broken Summer out of prison in order to enlist her help with the ghosts of her teammates who seem hell-bent on haunting her. Faith/Zephyr/Summer can fly but she only knows about otherworldly hauntings from her fan-girl exploits so, in Faith: Dreamside #2, she and Monica track down the psiot that is known for communicating with ghosts ”“ Dr. Mirage.
Mirage“s exploits are known to all in the Valiant universe because she, sometimes reluctantly, shares her exploits on television. One of the strongest aspects of her character and this issue of Faith: Dreamside, is that she stays in constant communication with her husband Hwen. He is the ghost that keeps on giving and his and Dr. Mirage“s repartee is a key part of the magical effect of this issue“s appeal. These four characters make this story as compelling as anything else you are reading right now.
Behind every great cast of characters is an even greater team of creators. One reason why you see comics“ reviewers extolling the quality of Valiant books is because they are extremely well-organized and edited. Every panel and every page seems well thought out and deliberately executed. Faith: Dreamside is the perfect example of how the Valiant ”˜brand“ proves its respect for (and commitment to) comics“ readers. Written by Jody Houser with perfect artistry from MJ Kim and Jordie Bellaire, Faith: Dreamside will remind you of the awesome potential that comics can have to tell new stories with bright intentional visuals designed for all readers.
By the end of issue #2 it is still unclear what exactly awaits Faith and company on the Dreamside, but the setup for the story thus far is so well done that readers will not want this ride to end any time soon. 4.5/5
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Written by JODY HOUSER
Art by MJ KIM
Letters by DAVE SHARPE
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