Review: Geek-Girl Vol 2 #2

You would think that having the original Geek-Girl wake up from her coma would be a big help.  No such luck for Summer as just as the good news is making its way through the media, the League of Larcenists setting up a heist in the hero less city.

Summer is at least happy to see Ruby, even if the meeting doesn’t go as she may have hoped.  It seems with some power comes a heap load of blame, with everyone not quite as sanguine about seeing her in a replica of Ruby’s costume.  In fact, the ramifications of the two Geek-Girls hanging out causes quite a problem for Summer down the line.

Sam Johnos’s plotting takes a somewhat unexpected turn in this issue in both dialogue and pacing.  Regarding the latter point first, I am not sure that there needs to be a whole four pages given to what essentially boils down to a  recap.  The introduction does go someway to at least set up the punchline for Buddy and the code name gag.  The other running gag “why are you wearing Ruby’s costume” works throughout the book.  The dialogue also works for the most part.  Despite the teen+ rating, the usual characters are used for the swearing, although I am not quite sure what requires the treatment in the phrase” burgers and….”.  Johnson’s pacing slows a little allowing the impacts of Summer’s and Ruby’s actions, going as far back as the the first issue of the first run to be felt on both characters.

The art is supplied by Carlos Granda who does a great job with Summer in the costume, regardless of who it belongs to.  Granda shows a great eye when it comes to the heroine, in a variety of action shots and with the interaction with Ruby.  What does need to improve are the quieter moments, which lacks a certain polish; may be better camera angles would  help with the perspective in some panels.  Could it be that when it comes to Summer, Granda and to some extent Johnson have a definitive idea, whilst with others, they may be window dressing?  Colors are provided by Chunlin Zhao who gives this book a solid scheme, with a hint of sunshine on a lot of panels, hinting at the way that Summer sees the world.

Geek-Girl is an ongoing internet sensation; the book is well put together by creators that clearly absolutely love what they are doing.  Is it perfect? No.  But through the efforts of all involved, they have created a book that is fun and enjoyable.

Geek-Girl #2 is out Today from Markosia and available at and Comixology. 

Writing – 4 Stars
Art – 3.5 Stars
Colors – 4 Stars

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Written by; Sam Johnson
Art by; Carlos Granda
Colors by; Chunlin Zhao
Published by; Markosia



Author Profile

Johnny "The Machine" Hughes
I am a long time comic book fan, being first introduced to Batman in the mid to late 70's. This led to a appreciation of classic artists like Neal Adams and Jim Aparo. Moving through the decades that followed, I have a working knowledge of a huge raft of characters with a fondness for old school characters like JSA and The Shadow

Currently reading a slew of Bat Books, enjoying a mini Marvel revival, and the host of The Definative Crusade and Outside the Panels whilst also appearing on No-Prize Podcast on the Undercover Capes Podcast Network


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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