REVIEW: Girl Crazy (HC)

Story and Art by Gilbert Hernandez
Published by Dark Horse Comics

Girl Crazy is a graphic novel about three girls who set out on a wild mission to set free their friend Una who is locked up in a prison in Tijuana so they can all celebrate their 16th birthday together. Yes they all have their birthdays happening at the same time. All three girls live separate lifestyles apart from each other but one of the girls, Kitten, wants to celebrate the birthday together and goes off to recruit the other two girls Maribel and Gaby and convinces them to help her to go spring Una out of jail in Tijuana.

If you like 1950-60“s pop comic book art, girls drawn with oversized boobs and big butts than this is a comic book for you. While the artwork is consistent it“s just not appealing to me. Reading Archie comic books seemed to have more appeal than reading about three fifteen year old girls drawn to look much older than their age prancing about in skimpy outfits. While I can appreciate the tongue in cheek exploits of young girls they were drawn like much older women with boobs, butts and muscles of women in their mid twenties than their mid teens.

While the plot is very straight forward the sub plot and the back story do get complex. For some reason the three girls have jobs in the different worlds they live in. Kitten is a tax collector for the I.R.S., Maribel fights for the poor in the Hollywood jungle and Gaby is a big time Public Defender in a world stuck in the 1950“s. Why three fifteen year old girls are working these jobs in the first place is beyond me and does not help the validity of the story in my opinion.  I know these girls have special abilities but it still seems to make for an unbelievable story at times.

This may just not be a graphic novel for me but it may be the right kind of story for you. It does have lots of action in it at every turn and it does have well endowed girls running around in skimpy outfits and even in their underwear. So if this seems like your thing why not check out Girl Crazy by Gilbert Hernandez.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Author Profile

Don Macauley

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