REVIEW: Goosebumps: Horrors of the Witch House #1
Originally created by R.L. Stine, spanning hundreds of books, a 4 season television show, and more recently two feature films starring Jack Black, Goosebumps was the 90s kid“s introduction to all thinks spooky. Since the early 2000“s the Goosebumps umbrella has opened up to include comic books also, and here we have the latest tale.
Goosebumps: Horrors of the Witch House has the setup for a classic Goosebumps story ”“ a small town, a young curious kid, and a mysterious stranger. When the old Whaley House is finally sold after years of lying dormant, the new owner, Veruca Curry, captures every inhabitants curiosity. One of these is Rosie, a young shy girl with no friends, who believes the old Whaley House is haunted. Rosie isn“t the only one ”“ most of the residents believe there is something”¦wrong with the Whaley House. But this seems to suit Veruca Curry just fine.
The art within this volume is bright and cheerful, calming the spooky setting, and capturing the essence of the times when we still had Saturday morning cartoons. Each character is unique while clearly belonging to the same universe, and the cartoon style seems appropriate for a Goosebumps comic. The text flows well, not detracting from the action, every line clearly laid out for coherence. Sound effects jut across the screen, stylized and loud, coloured to fit the setting and the noise, such as the classroom bell.
A solid introduction to a new story in the Goosebumps anthology, surely to intrigue younger audiences, whether they“ve read a previous Goosebumps story or not. Reader beware, you“ll soon be in for a scare.
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
(W) Denton J. Tipton & Matthew Dow Smith (A)Chris Fengolio (Col.)Â Â Valentina Pinto
Author Profile
- Awesome Fox is a writer, artist, and all-round nerd. You can check them out at @awesomefox42 on both twitter and instagram.