Creator/Writer- Kyle Puttkammer
Pencils- Marcus Williams
Inker- Ryan Sellers
Colours- Omaka Schultz
Letters- Briana Higgins
Don’t judge a book by its cover…Cute little black and white cat in body armour. What’s not to like.
A long,long time ago in the last issue…Super villains are running wide while the City’s protectors Galaxy man and Cosmic Girl are away. The City’s only hope is a superhero team of crime fighting cats lead by Ace.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming…We meet Bandit a spy cat that steals important information. He steals a thumb drive and takes it to the hero cats to decrypt. The hero cats have been warned of a new threat. The crow. Decrypting the thumb drive they head to a wear house where they meet the crow king as he opens a portal to a demon dimension to release his master. In the battle Bandit is pulled through and lost. But the day is saved. To be continued.
Such a cute little comic. Very family friendly. This book is for any age. You could introduce youngsters to comics with this book.
The Good, The Bad and The Meh…
The Good – great art. Fun story. Good action. For what it is it’s really good.
The Bad- it’s clearly for children. But if you have youngsters you’ll enjoy reading it with them.
The Meh- it is what it is. Simple and easy to follow.
Having not read many younger titles this is a good book. I wish my brother was still young so I could have read this to him. If you have kids or nieces and nephews and are looking to get them into comics try this book. You can bond over comics and reading.
For what it is it get a very easy 4.5 stars.
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
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Author Profile
Hey, I'm Shane.
Been into comics since I was about 5. Loved watching Wonder Woman and superboy in the 80's.
I Started reading seriously about 10 years ago. Began to collect a few comic series, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Teen Titans, Justice League of America and Superman Batman all pre flashpoint. Being honest that was my favourite run.
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