Review: Jack the Radio: Creatures, Anthology

The Story: A group of creators collaborate to tell short stories set in the Jack the radio universe.

Whoa! This was really incredible. I knew I wanted to read this issue because the cover was interesting. But what I found out is that the Jack the Radio: Creatures Anthology is to be experienced not read. When I read through, I was willing to overlook that the text was just lyrics but know that I know that they are accompanying songs. It wasn“t even a question for me, despite the $7.99 price tag. I love Jack the Radio: Creatures Anthology and this was a MUST have comic experience. Even if it costs as much as two other comics, it was twice as long and ten times as good.

Even though the cover drawn by Matthew Allison had me expecting quality, I was still surprised by the excellence of the content. I really didn“t know what to expect from the stories within. There is not a weak story in the bunch. I can“t think of the last time I read an anthology comic and didn“t have at least one story where I thought, “Well, that was kinda lame. At least the other parts were good.”“ This whole issue is really good. Once you again you gotta read it while listening to the songs.

Pressed for favorites, I would have to go with (3) Troubles, which features Jack cruising through town trying to avoid trouble, Artwork by Jorge Corona Color by Jean-Francois Beaulieu Written by George Hage. (4) Creatures, which tells an origin story of Jack, Artwork, by Matt Allison. (5) We“re Alright, Written and Color by Alexis Ziritt, Written and Lettered by George Hage
The art was also a revelation. One wonderful thing about anthologies in general is that you get to see art that publishers probably wouldn“t allow in an ongoing series because it isn“t “mainstream”“ enough. So, for me, the real treat was seeing some of these different styles. I“d love it if we can see more of these artists in the future. I imagine some of them probably have successful careers doing something other than comic books.

Conclusion: To sum it up Jack the Radio is the Mariachi Skeleton“s Rock music cousin. A wonderful anthology without any weak panels. Just needs to make the accompanying songs easier to access. Well worth the price tag and a great appetizer for those of us eager to usher in the future of comics. Hopefully, this is just the first of many anthologies to come.

SCORE: 5/5

Jack the Radio: Creatures Anthology

Written Curated and Designed by George Hage
Cover Illustration by Matthew Allison
Edited by Justin Zimmerman
Published by “A Wave Blue World”“
Artwork by:Artwork by: Khoi Pham, Morry Hollowell, Matthew Allison, Jorge Corona, Jean-Francois Beaulieu, Tommy Lee Edwards, Chris Visions, Rico Renzi, Justin Mason, Simon Gough, Roberto De La Torre, Aaron Conley, Robb Mommaerts, Chris Brunner, Nick Cagnetti, Rich Tommaso, Alexis Ziritt


Author Profile

Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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