As expected with a Judge Dredd comic, this action-packed story presents the sprawling metropolitan Mega City One as a massive dystopia of despair and authoritarianism. If this is the future path we are on a collision course with, please let me off at the next stop, because I would never want to live in a place like this. In the expansive concrete jungle, criminals like Tallyrand work to convince people they are not cared for and plays on their emotions to inspire an uprising against the Judges. It“s here where the majority of this story, written by Mark Russell takes place. We find Dredd trying to fight off the band of mutants that are attacking, while trying to convince people to aid in their defence. It“s a well written story that has developed well over the first three issues of this series.
The art team of Max Dunbar (Art), Jose Luis Rio (Colors) and Simon Bowland (Letters) do a fantastic job of creating some grotesque mutants. The brutality of this story is on full display in some of its most fantastic panels. Again, this holds up to the long-standing tradition of great art that is associated with 2000 AD.
For fans of action, and people who like sci-fi crime drama, this will be a good book for you. The comic stories for Judge Dredd have always, in my opinion, far surpassed anything we“ve ever seen written for him on the screen. This issue is pivotal in the ongoing story arc, as we are taken to the brink of all out anarchy, which seems to be exactly what Tallyrand wants. If he gets what he“s after is anybody“s guess.  There is no denying I“m a fan of Judge Dredd and the universe of characters who patrol Mega City One. This comic, published by IDW Comics and 2000 AD, is no exception. There is no slowdown in the action and the well written, fast paced story is worthy of its title character.
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Written by; Mark Russell
Art by; Max Dunbar
Colors by; Jose Luis Rio
Letter by; Simon Bowland
Published by; IDW
Author Profile
- In his free time, other than reading comic books, Bryan enjoys listening to his ever growing record collection and driving his 27 year old roadster named Mingo.
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