REVIEW: Knight Terrors: Angel Breaker #2

We have entered a full-on horror movie in Knight Terrors: Angel Breaker #2. Can Angel lead her rag-tag “team” out of their waking nightmare, save them from the monster hunting them, oh and fulfill her destiny?

The first major twist in this particular story is that Angel and everyone around her are still awake after the nightmare wave hits the entire world. This alone sets the story apart from nearly all of the Knight Terror tales. But writer Tim Seeley throws another curveball by still incorporating a villain straight out of a classic Japanese horror flick. It all adds up to this being one of the scariest and most gruesome issues in the enter Knight Terrors saga. Angel, Raptor and three kids from the school/cult they’re infiltrating are on the run from The Nanny, a baby eating, witch-monster who uses a rattle to lure her victims, showing them what they desire the most before devouring them. Some truly messed up and shocking things happen…and it’s a blast.

The art direction here is also unique. The western comic art and eastern manga mixture from the first returns. And the large eyes and emotive faces still add to the high creep factor of the comic. The Nanny is the artistic star of the show. Her “normal” form is nightmare fuel by itself; pale skin, scraggly jet-black hair, a perpetual soulless look on her face, etc. But the forms she takes as each character’s deepest desire are noteworthy as well. No spoilers on those but they are varied and creative. The anime/manga influenced style may not be for everyone but there is no doubt that Acky Bright (art) and Brian Reber (colors) have created a very interesting book visually.

An assassin, a thief, and some cultist teenagers make for an unlikely group of heroes for a comic, but in Knight Terrors: Angel Breaker #2 they come together for one of the best finales in the series. The psychological horror, the excellent pacing, and interesting art create a real page-tuner of a comic book issue. The ending is ingenious, immensely satisfying, and ties into the overall story in an amazing way. Like the first installment, it’s cool to see DC giving a character like Angel Breaker some shine in this major event. And it’s even cooler to see them giving her a good story arc to boot. Again, read this issue if you are a fan of the character, a follower of this series, or both. Highly recommended.

Writing – 5 Stars
Art – 4 Stars
Coloring – 4.5 Stars

4.5 Stars

Written by; Tim Seeley
Art by; Acky Bright
Colors by; Brian Reber
Letters by; Saida Temofonte
Published by; DC Comics

Author Profile

Christopher R. Ford
Writer, author, and blogger. Published author of three children's books and also writes for the boy Creators For The Culture. Part-time sneaker head, full time nerd.


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