REVIEW: Marauders No.23

Fiorelli’s art style at first appeared to clash with Duggan’s rugged writing style, but as I saw the mutant responsible for making Storm’s dress in the Hellfire Gala stomp out a Reaver – I began to fall in love with the colorful art Fiorelli offers to the funny books. Banshee appeared out of place in the opening and I am glad that his appearance was just a cameo. Besides, I would rather have Siryn featured in an X-book since Banshee has had enough panel time to be a household name in the hearts of X-Heads. Yet there was a welcome change of guard in this chapter as Emma Frost played headmistress again- a role I have missed seeing her in since Greg Land was handling the art for the Uncanny X-Team.

Yes, Frost was a focus, but from the jump Tempo really controlled the tempo of the story as I was nervous for her life nearly every second (what can I say, I can relate to Nightcrawler’s doctrine in “Way of X”). And the Stepford Cuckoos, wow, they really got a chance to show that they are more than just some “clones”. Which is something that I continuously respect within every X-series – whether it be Cable, Wolverine, and now Emma – every clone, every iteration, is treated as an individual instead of just a carbon copy; which is something that some of Marvel’s other properties would do well to learn from in regards to their more “derivative” characters.

I loved the team aspect here. The Reavers vs.The Marauders – this is the type of teamwork that playoff games are made off of. And seeing Shadowcat & Frost perform so cohesively, as if co-captains, was an excellent reference to the relationship that they have grown together since the days when Kitty was choosing between Hellfire & the Xavier Institute like Gryffndor & Slytherin.

Yes, I miss Storm. But that’s what is so great about the Marauders as a team, forget about it being a book. In most team books, a lineup change can be handled with disregard, disinterest, or any other form of apathy – but here Storm’s absence is felt, regardless of her being present in other concurrent X-titles.
But the Marauders continue to sail, and I am glad they still have the wind & the will to push forward through this issue in high anticipation of the next tide.

Score : 3/5

(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Ivan Fiorelli (CA) Russell Dauterman

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