Review: Marvel Action: Black Panther #3

I want Kyle Baker to take over the Black Panther book.  If the ads displaying graphic human suffering to elicit donations for African children hasn’t contorted views toward Africa, then media that portrays Africa as one big Safari has. Interestingly enough Kyle Baker, has taken those misconception to cultivate something closer to the truth.

One of Wakandan’s elite Mchezaji (King Cadaver), has a plan to illegally quadruple the production of Vibranium using a proton excavator.  He claims that the non-elites let him do it because of their greed for Clothes, motorcycles, jewelry, and treats, and if it weren’t for those treats that he could provide, the country would turn on the royalty due to the tornadoes, heat wave, and malaria.

There are times when I felt like the non-elite Wakandans were subjugate stand-ins for the lower class of the African American community with that dig at the desire for silly personal things that was holding them back.  I wish  Baker would have stayed a little closer to real life issues, speaking of which, what the heck is a “proton excavator”?  By all accounts is just seems like machines used for fracking.  The indication that tornadoes, and heat waves were a problem in Wakanda…it has me asking is Wakanda secretly in Kansas?   Tropical Storms and drought are more appropriate, the malaria is on point though.  Cons: Falling into the stereo-typical misconception that think Africa is one big wild animal reserve, but I’ll let this pass because like Baker, Americans think Africa is just for animals, it’ there aren“t any people there.  Also how they solve the Malaria problem was too over the top and ridiculous for my taste.  still it doesn’t take away from the fact that its nice to have a Black Panther story in Africa, that deals with African problems.

Yes, millions of Africans have been scarred by war, poverty, and disease. But Africa isn’t just the sum total of its human misery, any more than it’s one huge animal safari.  Stereotypes and over-simplification of development problems create a skewed view of how Westerners look at Africa. But perhaps, she adds, it’s time “to start a new debate and reflect upon the findings we’ve seen. It should be possible to show both negative and positive imagery, and Kyle Baker has took a big step

Visually, the art by Juan Samu is very much in line with the flagship “Black Panther”“ books ;however, some the character designs are a little off, but that doesn’t take away from the story at all.

Marvel Action Black Panther #3 has two covers; the  Cover A Regular Juan Samu Cover;  Cover B Incentive Michael Avon.

SCORE: 3 out of 5 stars.

Written by Kyle Baker

Illustrated by Juan Samu

Colored by David Garcia Cruz

Lettered by Tom B. Long

Publisher: IDW

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Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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