SPOILER-FREE REVIEW: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid #1
It has been 25 years since we were introduced to those teenagers with attitude. They were chosen by one Zordon of Eltar to protect to earth from the treacherous plans of one Rita Repulsa. That’s right, it was 25 years ago that our childhood was first introduced to the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and this franchise has expanded to more than just the city of Angel Grove.
Teleport 25 years in the future to have a world wide phenomenon that in all honesty is about to be rocked again with Boom Studios. Power Rangers Shattered Grid #1 is going to take everything you know about the Rangers and turn it inside out. One may be skeptical that the decision to take this all around and bring us a whole new story as we have seen with some of the spinoff shows that have taken place over the last 25 years. Rest assured that the team at Boom have taken that into consideration and have come up with something absolutely amazing. Who would of guessed that I could actually enjoy all the variations of the Power Rangers from Zeo to Ninja Storm, and Turbo to Dino Thunder.
To go in to detail about the story would in fact do you a disservice because this is one of those books that you“re just going to have to read and experience for yourself. Writer Kyle Higgins and artist Daniele Di Nicuolo have created a masterpiece that is absolutely Morphinominal. The writing was on top with the artwork to support it. The book is captivating and will have you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire read with twists and turns that will take you to a new dimension within the world of the rangers. It“s not every day that a comic book does this to me, but Shattered Grid did just that.
This is a new era of the Power Rangers, and hold on to your zords because the rangers are about to change”¦. for the better.
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Shattered Grid
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artist:Â Daniele Di Nicuolo
Main Cover Art:Â Jamal Campbell
Variant Covers:Â Chris Burnham &Â Christian Ward
Author Profile
- Growing up, I'm a stereotypical nerd. I love comics, superheroes, video games, you name it I love it. Except tofu, that stuff is just different. Fast forward a few years, Now I'm living my dream where being a "nerd" is cool, and I have the wonderful opportunity to do exactly what I want to do; Read comics, play video games, and show off my passion for geek culture for the world to see and not care what critics may think. Aside from reviewing games, comics, being a member of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network and Geekery Magazine, I love sports of all kinds, and especially following all of my teams from the great state of Colorado. Being random is what I love doing because it why not be random, it makes life interesting. Make sure to also follow me on Twitter for updates on live gaming streams on other shenanigans at @TheRandomeDud3.
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