REVIEW: Monstress #7

Do you like fantasy that’s heavily infused with a myriad of Asian mythologies? Talking animals? Cute shit and werewolves? Necromancer cats? If you don’t, you have no fucking soul.

The writing is heavy but not so thick you have to wade through it, the plot moves and doesn’t care if you can’t catch up because there’s some beautiful art to swim about in while you do.

The lead character Maika is rounded and nuanced and you don’t always feel sympathetic towards her, which is why you have Kippa, the fox character who acts as her conscience. I love the Dawn Court, the necromantic cats and the blend of designs from all across the mythologies is breathtaking.

I thought the art was going to be cluttered because the colour scheme stays in those dusky end of the spectrum and there’s always something happening, but it never does. I’m not sure how but I’m going to re-read it when I’ve done this so I’ll hopefully learn something new. In fact no, I’m off on Sunday I’m going to see if the first trade is out.

Frankly this comic review is just me masturbating over how good this comic is. Which is unfortunate because I’m in work at the moment.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

By Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda, published by Image Comics

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