Starting off I’d like to say that I like weird, new ideas. Motro is definitely that. New concepts and story telling methods are great if fully committed. This issue puts that right out there. It’s fully committed to telling it’s story full of sad and wacky characters. Embracing new concepts of wild mixes. A Mad Max setting with talking tanks and (toy?) motorcycles. A dash of child like innocence and heartless killers.
   Our lovable protagonist is a young boy with super strength and a hero’s heart. He lives alone with his talking toy motorcycle in a cave. On his journey he sees a town being raided by a crew of tank riding thugs. He wins the day by feeding (yes the tanks eat food) the tanks an herb that makes them explode. But ultimately in the end was unable to save anyone, as they’ve all been slaughtered already. Crazy right? But a good crazy that has me wondering what will shock me next.
   The artwork is nice and has a style all its own. It goes with the childlike sense of wonder the story is trying to tell. The panels invoke a old time storybook art style to clash wildy with the post apocalyptic visuals. This is more great mixing of ideas and themes that seems to fit well. Giving everything a new but familiar feel.
   As a first issue to a series, it’s pretty easy to hook with new ideas. Will it continue to impress? Only time will tell. If you are looking for something different, look no further. This is as different as it gets and I like it. But I’m not fully convinced the series will keep the momentum it’s built. Definitely a story I want to embrace. 3/5
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Writers: Ulises Farinas and Erick Freitas
Artist:Â Ulises Farinas with Ryan Hill
Publisher: Oni Press