REVIEW: Muhammad Ali
G“Day Crusaders,
This is Dodgy in the mix bringing you the Autobiography graphic novel of Muhammad Ali by Sybille Titeux De La Croix with art by Amazing Ameziane. Proudly published by Dark Horse Comics.
As a kid growing up, Muhammad Ali was the first hero known to me – I was sad to hear of passing this year as the whole world was touched it one way or another. I was drawn to the unmistakable images of the man training underwater or talking to the press or the image of him standing over Sonny Liston are used time and time again. I was mesmerized by the genius that is Muhammad Ali as he reminded us he is the greatest also by the fluency of his words as well his ability to rhyme words without any pause.
I wish I could talk like he did, the man could light up a room just with his presence alone.
My father would reference he was the only black man he respected during a time where colored people were not granted respect in Australia (during the time of The White Australia Policy which was abolished in the late 1970’s), what appealed to my father was the fact he could talk smack to his opponents and back up those words by winning. Whether you loved him or hated him, I believed this is why he was respected.
This book goes into depth not only of the legend but also the life as an African-American in the United States in the 1950’s, the segregation and the lack of human rights. Ali“s life is referenced from his childhood to the white police officer who taught him how to box, his manager convincing him to go to the Olympics, joining the Nation of Islam under the guidance of Malcolm X and being suspended to his comeback.
I am truly Blessed to be given the chance to review this book, being a fan of Ali to the fact I have read a lot of articles and watched several documentaries about Ali I knew a lot of what was mentioned in this book. I did not find anything new, yet the real accounts by real people is interesting as well as the introduction of celebrities known to the world as info on their significance to the story. I also enjoy the referencing of the time, the murder of Emmett Till, Sonny Liston’s fall from grace and Australian’s Peter Norman (the third man in the infamous 1968 Black Power Salute in Mexico City Olympics) referenced.
To know more about Peter Norman, check out the Young Turks here:
There is relevancy on how African-Americans are treated in today’s America, still in the last few years there are accounts of death to African-Americans at the hands of police and feeling of inequality. It is a shame that today we don’t have another Muhammad Ali.
The art is hit-and-miss, when imitating real-life photos and imagery the art looks decent whereas original art looks rushed and inconsistent especially in Ali’s appearance. Despite the art, almost makes you forget the art.
For fans of Muhammad Ali or people interested in reading about the champ will love this, do ya’self a favor and check it out!
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Author Profile
- The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!
An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!
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