REVIEW: N.E. Spring Super Megafest 2015

Convention: N.E. Spring Super Megafest
Location: Marlborough, MA

The N.E. Spring Super Megafest show was this past weekend for its 1st show in their new location, previously this was hosted in Framingham, MA. It was held at the Royal Plaza Trade Center, right next to a Best Western Hotel. Parking was plentiful and well organized.


Pre-Show: The lines were under control in this one. People patiently waited as the VERY helpful staff of the show kept lines moving. There were 2 areas, those that needed to purchase tickets and those that pre-paid, there were 2 separate entrances for each. Upon walking in, the first thing you’d see was a bunch of classic vehicles from some ol’skool TV/Movies.

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Venue/Exhibitors: One thing that stood out to me was the width of the aisles, PERFECT, enough space where you wouldn’t bump into anyone and can comfortably walk. The tables were spread out nicely. There was a good mix of comic culture items in the show. But as a comic con I’d say they would definitely need more comic book vendors. Bin diving was limited, only a handful of comic dealers were there, and even a smaller group were fairly priced as some definitely were taking advantage of the comic culture explosion and overcharging by at least 80%, there was only 1 t-shirt vendor with limited sizes available, some dealers that sold prints and the rest was comic culture paraphernalia such as masks, jewelry, toys and collectible trinkets. At the very least you wouldn’t starve at the show, as there was a food vendor in the venue and had a good selection of snacks that were fairly priced.

They were really good at keeping the patrons of the show aware of Q&A’s with the guests and setting up of pics for distinctive cosplay groups, such as the Dr. Who’s, Batman Family etc…..

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Guests: The guests in this show was an interesting bunch that would give you an 80’s flashback of who’s who (if you grew up in that era that is). You had the likes of Erik Estrada, Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Jonathan Frakes, Sylvester McCoy, Josh McDermitt, Roddy Piper, Chris Sarandon, Helen Slater, Katherine Helmond, Larry Wilcox, Rae Dawn Chong and there a lot were more. The area in which fans could snap pics get an autograph and speak to them was arranged nicely and obviously VERY busy. The staff kept great control of the crowd there as well.

In artist alley I got the chance to speak to comic artist Cary Nord for a bit, very cool guy and an amazing artist. I had to buy a Punisher print he had which looks amazing. There were a handful of comic artist/creators on hand in artist alley such as Mark McKenna, Mark Texeira (whom I didn’t see), Ethan Van Sciver, Joe St. Pierre, Hannibal King, Amanda Dufresne among others.

There were also a few models and wrestlers on hand at the show such as former WWE Diva Terri Runnels,  TNA wrestler Brook Tessmacher, and more.



Cosplay: There was lots a GREAT cosplay at this show, some people really took the time to design their costumes and it showed, some were not so great to be honest, but below are a few examples of the BEST, in my opinion, of the day:

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Final Verdict: 3.5 out of 5, this is a show I would go to again, the event organizers did a great job with this show, BUT, I hope however that in the next event there are more comic book vendors. At least I got my hands on one book I’ve wanted and at a GREAT deal too.


Keep Crusading!

**Note: This is based on the Saturday show.
***Pics of actors/actresses and wrestlers ONLY taken from Megafest Twitter account.

Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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