Review: Once and Future #2
An irresistible blend of myth and fact, the King Arthur legend has been appropriated by countless writers, painters, photographers, filmmakers and other artists have produced their own versions for posterity; King Arthur, the always handsome, holy warrior, who personify the ideals of courage and valiance, whose life has been deemed a valuable study for aspirants to chivalric status. However, Once and Future writer Kieron Gillen (Doctor Aphra, Die has some different ideas for how he should be portrayed and what it means for the present day.
In the previous issue of Once and Future #1, archaeologists find the scabbard for Excalibur. We were introduced to historian, Duncan-Mcguirre who can be a bit clumsy when hes drunk . We also get introduced to his heat packing grandmother Bridgette who chases monsters, who introduced us to the concept that King Arthur was a warlord who conquered a European Empire and that his return will usher in Britain’s Darkest hour.
In the current issue of Once and Future #2, Grandma Bridgette and Duncan-Mcguirre drive their way to Glastonbury, the Site of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere’s purported tomb beneath the high altar. There they find the “Expert and her crew” just as they have awakened king Arthur. There they reveal that they intend to revive King Arthur’s court.
Once and Future #2, is actually a better starting point than issue #1. Grandma Bridgette stands-in as an excellent narrator for what’s happening; however personally I’m a little disappointed in Gillen’s choice to go with the Chrétien de Troyes version of King Arthur in which a major motivation was the hunting down of the Holy Grail . Maybe that was the whole point of the Questing Beast showing up? But i’m more interested in a down and dirty back to the fact King Arthur.
Once and Future started with a strong open interest from readers and speculators, and in my opinion Once and Future #2 is the issue that warrants that attention.  Once and Future #2 has two covers; The regular cover was done by Dan Mora; there is also a store exclusive variant by Lafuente offered by Jetpack and Forbidden Planet, limited to 1000 copies. Keep in mind that Once & Future #2 has already reportedly Goes To A Third Printing Even After A Massive Overship. The first printing of Once and Future #1  launched with over 31,000 copies.  But before throwing money around just remember that there is a Once & Future #1 SDCC 2019 Retailer Exclusive Advance Edition.
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Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Dan Mora
Colorist: Tamra Bonvillain
Lettered: Ed Dukeshire
Publisher: Boom! Studios
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