REVIEW: PEARL JAM: Do The Evolution

The Book of Evolution Baby!

When you think about the majority of music videos you think; “Oh that“s a nice dance, bet I can“t ever do that.”“ Or “Wow that person actually has a 12 pack stomach, how the hell?”“

What you rarely think is; “Sweet mother of god, that was an intense roller coaster ride for the senses, showing some of the lowest and darkest moments in history and our possible future!”“

Well that“s what you“re likely to have thought if you“ve seen ”˜Do the Evolution“ by the mighty Pearl Jam, one of the most ground breaking music videos of all time!! (Yes, I used 2 exclamation marks there, that“s how exciting it is)

Now it has evolved one step further, in the form of the phenomenal; ”˜Pearl Jam: Art of Do the Evolution“ written by Joe Pearson (with additional writing from Terry Fitzgerald and Brad Coombs) and let me just say this in full caps locked joy”¦ I BLOODY LOVE THIS BOOK!

From the first introduction from Joe Pearson stating how this wonderous animated journey first came to life in 1998”¦ yeah 1998!

Throughout this book you are not only treated to behind the scenes access of the creation of the video, meeting with the band and with comic book royalty Todd Mcfarlane on the art direction etc but one of the things I truly enjoy about this book is it follows the beautiful chaotic look and feel of the video.

Full of sketches, storyboards held down with tape, concept art, side notes, stills from the video, snippets of lyrics, stories of how it came to life.

It“s a powerful piece of art that stands perfectly with an incredible animated music movie with a message that will always be relevant!

I cannot stress this enough”¦ I BLOODY LOVE THIS BOOK!

SCORE: 5/5

Pearl Jam: Do the Evolution takes its next step into comic shops this October.

by Joe Pearson (Author)

Author Profile

P Hayden


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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