REVIEW: Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker #3

Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker #3
Written by Tom DeLonge and Ben Kull
Illustrated by Djet
Cover art by Bengal
Publisher: Magnetic Pres

Let’s judge this book by its cover… Stunning! From the tattoos on Ayo’s arm to the boy in the moon of the O in poet it’s a gorgeous cover.

The facts are these… No recap but it’s pretty simple to follow.

If you’re sitting comfortably we can begin… In the dream world the evil Nightmare REM has imprisoned A young dream names Ayo. Her cell mate wants to join REM’s army, to that she must kill Ayo. The pair fight viciously. In the waking world two young boys Jonas and Alan attend their parents funeral before being handed to their new Guardian. In the dream world Ayo escapes her cell and refuses to join REM’s army. Jonas and Alan have dinner with their new Guardian who poisons their soup to make them fall asleep and enter the dream world where they’re attacked by a creature and taken to REM. for his help the boys Guardian is killed by REM as he try’s to get Jonas to use his power over the dream world to save his brother. Ayo try’s to helps them but is killed by REM and dies in Jonas’s arms. Tapping into what ever power he has he manages to wake both him and his brother from the nightmare leaving  REM to gloat that soon Jonas will be stronger and he will have him. The boys wake with no memories of what happened inside the dream world and head out on their own. To be continued.
What a stunning book. From the story to the art it’s gorgeous. I love the idea of a dream world that’s always there. The idea that there are evil beings inside causing nightmares. I loved it.

You kiss your mother with that mouth… There is a bit of potty mouth in this book. Not too much but it’s not for kids.

That’s gonna leave a mark… Very bloody fight scenes. Stabbings and shootings and a little torture for good measure.

The Good, the Bad and the Star rating…
The Good – the story. The art. The concept itself. Flawless.
The Bad – I’m stumped. Nit picking but maybe a small recap.
The Stars – 5 stars easy. This book is pretty damn near perfect.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Do you agree with my review? Comment below or find me on Twitter @DawnOfComics and let me know what you thought of this issue.

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Dawn of Comics
Hey, I'm Shane.
Been into comics since I was about 5. Loved watching Wonder Woman and superboy in the 80's.
I Started reading seriously about 10 years ago. Began to collect a few comic series, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Teen Titans, Justice League of America and Superman Batman all pre flashpoint. Being honest that was my favourite run.
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