Review: Rumble #17

In the last issue of Rumble #16, Rathraq (the Warrior assassin) , was sent by the Gods to conquer the valley of the L’har forest.  His last challenge was to defeat the Horumeidex, a half Spider, Half Snake, and free the men within its grasp, only to find out it was too late.

That brings us to the current issue of Rumble #17 ,  No exposition here no explanation, we just leap right in as the warrior Norgal, and Agatha his companion(the head of a witch), are being fed to a giant beast called the giant of Samdra.  Once inside the belly of the beast we find Rathraq alive and well, but not too keen on teaming up.   

Typically these warriors do okay individually but this time our protagonist’s attempt to resolve their problem fails, resulting in an ever confusing situation. Part of the reason protagonists seem unable to resolve their problems is because they do not only have the skills to deal with the problem, but they don’t have the correct information to deal with the forces that confront them. 

The resolution of the story was succinct yet anti-climatic . There were was not a true climax; however there is an allusion to Chekhov’s gun, the principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary.    John Arcadi building this issue around rising action.  

I just want to start off by saying how much of a pleasure, it has been to read Rumble for the last couple of months.  Even though it doesn’t have a straight line narrative, the attention to details derived from its art contributors has been great.

Best Art Panel: There is a great panel with Ratahaq at the end of a duel with a creature, and all you see the monster and a hint of Rathaq’s arms legs and his sword sticking out of the creature back.

Best Monologue: {Same Panel from above}”Come in the Dozen, in the Thousands, and still I will live to char your bones on the horns of your profane altars.”

Rumble Vol 2 #17, has 4 covers; Cover A Regular Andrew MacLean Cover;  Cover B Variant James Harren; Cover C Variant David; ; Cover D Variant Max Fiumara Cover, this happens to be my favorite by the way, and the print run should be interesting with 2,600 total so a print run of 600 for Cover D is most likely.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

(W) John Arcudi
(A) Andrew Maclean
(C) Dave Stewart
(L) Joe Sabino

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Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

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