REVIEW: She Wolf #6

She Wolf was a series I instantly took a liking to before even reading one word of it. The sixth installment of the series entitled “Black Baptism”“ carried on the first arc of the story, and it is every bit as enthralling as the books before it.

Lizzie is our main lady in charge, and she has the power to transform into a wolf. I know, super spoilers, bet you couldn“t have figured that out from the title. She Wolf is a series that is very blunt, and doesn“t shroud anything in any type of mystery, which I rather enjoy. It reminds me of my favorite simple indie cartoons, and the art at first reminded me of the TV show Superjail. A different take on the horror genre, She Wolf is about a girl trying to live as something not human and not completely wolf.

This issue sees Lizzie getting invited to a party, and you know what happens when you mix a woman like that with some typical humans just looking to have a good time. Lizzie“s sister, Gabby, knows all too well what can happen when Lizzie gets a taste for something, and she goes to intervene best she can. The rest that follows is a mature and comical taste of the brain of Rich Tommaso.

I truly do love the art style of Rich, and the fact that he created this series completely solo is nothing short of true badassery. His writing style pairs fantastically with his thick lines and colorblocking techniques that almost seem to jump from panel to panel. There are no gimmicks here, and those who appreciate the silliness and adult themes in life will be sure to enjoy his creation.

I really wish there were more works like those of Rich Tomasso, and I very much adore the little details he adds to his work. The background images, the earrings that Gabby adorns, and the rich colors he uses pulls everything into a weird and entertaining package. It“s a very “this is from my brain, here ya go”“ type of book, and you simply cannot hate on that. At times you wonder what is real and what is one of Lizzie“s frequent nightmares, but it“s a patient kind of wonder that doesn“t really matter because the way in which the book ebbs and flows is enough for the reader to enjoy the whole experience.

The covers on She Wolf are usually very simplistic, and Tomasso uses large blocked areas of red with contrasting white or black for each issue. When an artist goes simple with a piece, more times than not it comes out looking half-finished, but nothing is incomplete with Tomasso. Everything is exactly in its right place, and it“s a treat for the reader every time. For those who enjoy the weird and wonderful, She Wolf is definitely a must for any collector and for those just wishing to find something fun and strange to pick their brains with.

Story: 5 Stars
Art: 5 Stars
Colors: 5 Stars
Cover: 5 Stars

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Story / Art / Cover: Rich Tommaso

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Kittie Pop

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