Review: Soviet Punisher #1
- A dozen Russian mobsters lie dead at the Punisher’s feet and he wasn’t the one who pulled the trigger.
- If you know Frank Castle, you know this doesn’t necessarily set his mind at ease.
- Who is in New York City decimating the Russian mob and can it be long before they come into conflict with Frank?
With speculation regarding the possibility of seeing the Punisher and other characters from the Netflix return on Disney Plus, at a fervor, it has been encouraging to see Marvel continue to utilize the character in different scenarios to include Garth Ennis’ Soviet Punisher.
In Soviet Punisher #1 Ennis decides to pull it back from the Cosmic Ghost Rider bit, as we become entrenched again in the stories where former marine-turned-vigilante Frank Castle has been conducting street level anti-mobster disruption activities. The only problem is that some mystery vigilante, has been getting there first. Normally it bother Frank but he does have a reputation to protect, and he want to make sure there isn’t some fake Punisher around abusing his brand. Following the trail of blood, bodies, and bullets Frank Castle has quite the mystery on his hands.
That being said, issue #1 leaves you with a few questions going forward. Who is the AK Artist? What happens when the Bad Guys, who have so much blood on their hands decide to become legit but they are still on the Punisher’s radar ?
Best panel: From the jump-off Jacen Burrows doesn’t hesitate to let you know that this is a Punisher book, as he emerges from a room full of bodies, with a face that seems to be more concerned with the handi-work than the loss of life.
Final Verdict: 5 stars out of 5. There were so many factors that made this one was an easy decision: One of Marvel’s best tactical street heroes, in the Punisher; written up by one of the best writers in the comic game. in Garth Ennis; give me an artist not afraid to show the impact of Punisher’s style of wreaking havoc on some bodies; all this leave the reader to Follow bouncing bullets, and burning, bodies, and bullets Frank Castle has quite the mystery on his hands.
Punisher Soviet #1 will come in three covers: Cover A, Regular Paolo Rivera Cover; Punisher Soviet #1 Cover B, Variant Josemaria Casanovas Cover; Punisher Soviet #1 Cover C, Incentive Jacen Burrows Variant Cover 1:25.
SCORE: 5/5
Writer: Garth Ennis
Artist: Jacen Burrows
Inks: Guillermo Ortego
Colors:Nolan Woodard
Lettering: Robert Steen
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