REVIEW: Spider-Man #239: A Different Kind of Spider-Man

I have really been enjoying the current run of Spider-Man under the guidance of Brian Michael Bendis and getting to watch Miles Morales evolve into much more than a replacement for Peter Parker in the Ultimate Universe. Miles has an amazing supporting cast and is a very human character. Being a very different man AND Spider-Man than Peter, Miles did not feel redundant when brought into the main Marvel Universe. Rather he found his own niche in the world and established himself as his own hero. His powers are also a bit different from Peter“s and gives him a different set of tools and ways to deal with different situations. The biggest contrast between Miles and Peter can be seen in their uncles. Peter had wise supportive Uncle Ben while Miles gets career criminal Uncle Aaron, aka the Iron Spider. All of this is perfectly demonstrated in the latest issue, Spider-Man #239.

Miles feels responsible for his uncle Aaron “Iron Spider”“ Davis and sets out to stop him. Knowing that he is going up against not only his uncle, but his new Sinister Six, Miles is smart enough to realize he needs help. Besides, whoever is bankrolling this is bankrolling the theft of a Hellicarrier, so they are probably no slouch themselves. The Champions come to Miles“ aid as they head to Laterveria (which, contrary to rumors, will NOT be getting a Disney theme park soon) in order to stop the sale of the Hellicarrier We get an epic battle between the Champions, the Sinister Six, and the army of Lucia Von Bardas, who was the one who commissioned The Hellicarrier“s theft.

Miles“ best friend and confidant, Ganke, is also involved in a bit of a situation. He kinda sorta let Miles“ secret identity out of the bag to his girlfriend, Danika. Miles is currently unaware of this potentially huge problem and I have a feeling it is going to play a major part in a new direction for Miles, who has been questioning his place in the world and if Spider-Man is even a part of it.

The challenge in drawing a team book is taking so many different characters and making them fit together when they each have their own feel to them. Oscar Bazaldua gives us some breathtaking takes on the various Champions.  The action felt dynamic and had a very smooth flow that directed your eyes smoothly across the pages. Coupled with the colors of Brian Reber the pages really pop.

The current storyline wraps up next issue and it looks like it“s going to on be one hell of a finale.

Story: 3.5
Art: 3
Overall Rating: 3.25

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(W) Brian Michael Bendis (A) Oscar Bazaldua (CA) Patrick Brown

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Rob Ferreri

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