G’Day Crusaders,
This is Dodgy86 back in the mix bringing you Spider-Man Deadpool #1 by the classic collaboration of Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness.
This is ultimate odd couple, you get the friendly neighborhood … (you know who) paired with the Merc with a Mouth!
Personally I cannot stand the way Deadpool is everywhere and everyone is expected to love him (people! There are more characters than just Iron Man, Wolverine and Deadpool! That includes you Marvel!) with the exception of Deadpool Vs Thunderbolts which I loved and the original Deadpool run by Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness..
Seeing those two names, I needed to double-take! It’s true! And the opening page, who wouldn’t love this?
When written well, Spidey can be a smartass and he’s at his upmost best when he pisses off his villains by his remarks accompanied with his abilities. But Deadpool, well.. he’s Deadpool! They squabble in hell and whilst fighting Hydro-Man, when does it end?
Read it and find out!
I admit I was a bit skeptical at first, mainly due to the Deadpool overload in comics and annoyance of the character. At the same time hoping that Joe and Ed wouldn’t fail…
This book delivers.. the wit and the toilet humor as well as action make this a heap of fun. There are some Laugh Out Loud moments, especially the dialogue between Spidey and Deadpool.
Overall I felt like I was taken back to 1996-97 to the Deadpool ongoing series, there is noticeably attitude from the first page and to top it off.. the art of McGuinness delivers.
The Vision mini-story concludes this book, is a totally different contrast from the main title. This is interesting.
This book is well worth a look, for Deadpool fans and critics like me. Do ya’self a favor and check it out!
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Author Profile
The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!
An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!
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