REVIEW: Street Fighter X G.I. Joe #1
G“Day Crusaders,
This is Dodgy86 in the mix bringing you Street Fighter X G.I. Joe # 1 by Aubrey Sittero with art by Emilio Laiso and David Garcia Cruz. Proudly published by IDW.
Cobra“s arms dealer Destro and his M.A.R.S Industries teams up with M. Bison“ Shadaloo to create a tournament being G.I. Joe and Street Fighter characters to fight. Some of the heroes of both sides smell a rat from the organizers and who could it be? And what are their brewing plans?
All I had to say is wow when I saw the title!! I had the G.I. Joe figures as a child, watching the TV series and playing the Capcom games bashing the buttons on my consoles and the arcade versions.
This was a real treat..That“s until I read the story, it has no substance… it’s just the characters fighting each other like the arcade game.
I“d thought it“d be a G.I. Joe like story involving the Street Fighter characters, I would much rather play a Street Fighter G.I. Joe game than read this. It“s not a terrible story but it has nothing special for comic fans, both Street Fighter and G.I. Joe fans will love this! The art design for each character look amazing and the Roadblock and Hakan dialogue is the only highlight.
Being a fan of both, I“d be suckered in to read the entire run. If you are not, you may want to avoid. The series of variant covers look pretty awesome and will generate more revenue.
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Author Profile
- The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!
An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!
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