REVIEW: Super Suckers #1: One Fun Mother Sucker

One of the things I love the most about indie comics is that you can find books that are different and not cookie cutter copies of proven formulas. Super Suckers #1 by Sitcomics is a great example of something original and fun to read that is unlike anything else on the comic racks.

Darin Henry is the architect of the world of Super Suckers and handles the writing honors on not only the main story, but also on some short little segments called Sit-commercials. The book centers around Kelly and Jess, two young college girls who have been two-timed by a foreign exchange student, Dragos. As they deal with that situation they also discover one other little complication. They learn Dragos was a vampire and has infected them both.

Kelly and Jess are not alone in their hour of need as they meet Stewart, who was a friend and blood donor for Dragos. Dragos sent Stewart to the girls knowing they would need a safe means to feed. They are also aided by Jess“ roommate, Vera, who is probably the funniest character in the book.

Not everyone is on Team Vampire, however, and things get even more complicated when the new guy that Kelly starts falling for, Richard, turns out to be a vampire hunter and on the trail of Dragos.

The visuals on the book have a very nostalgic feel. It reminded me of old Archie comics and the old Hanna Barbara cartoons I used to watch as a kid. Jeff Shultz did an outstanding job of creating a fun cartoon world. The company slogan for Sitcomics is “It“s TV you read.”“ and it really did feel like an episode of a cartoon.  Glenn Whitmore uses vibrant colors to really create that cartoon feel. Marshall Dillon adds to the feel of the book with his lettering. The emotion comes through well and the sound effects really enhance the cartoon feel.

Super Suckers also offers a lot of content (about 64 pages) for only $3.99.  It is refreshing to see publishers who are more concerned with telling a fun story than squeezing as much as they can from their readers and Sitcomics is definitely among them.

I“m not going to tell you how the story ends as it“s worth your time to experience it for yourself.  For me it brought back memories of sitting on the couch as a kid, surrounded by snacks and toys, watching Saturday morning cartoons.

ART: 2.5

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by Darin Henry, Jeff Shulz, and Glenn Whitmore
Publisher: SitComics

Author Profile

Rob Ferreri

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