The Creators Chapter 5 - Cover

REVIEW: The Creators Chapter 5: Opportunities

The Creators are young people with the ability to bring their drawings to life through an emotional connection. The creations that are brought to life often wreak havoc, so The Creators are feared by society and hunted by a government agency known as the B.C.E (Bureau of Creative Enforcements). As they run from the B.C.E, they seek training at The Creator Academy. In this chapter, we are shown the training of a new creator, Simon. We also follow our main protagonist, Maya, and her friend, Roxie, who come up with a scheme – including trying to rope in Simon – to free some of their creations. However, we learn that The Creator Academy may be keeping deep secrets from them.

In The Creators Chapter 5, we get a personal story and the reader can easily get behind Maya’s motivation to save a creation dear to her, Kardunn. Kardunn is a representation of the love and protection that Maya felt about her deceased parents and Kardunn is a way to hold on to a part of them.

The Creators Chapter 5 - Maya speaking about Kardunn


The art style in this book isn’t a style I’m typically drawn to. I’m used to a more traditional style, but I can appreciate how it fits this title. Character detail and expression is good, but I found many panels where the backgrounds are a simple, flat shaded color. The sparse use of color in this book is used well and seems to be more subtle than in previous issues. It does a good job of drawing your attention to the powers and creatures being shown.

My main criticism about this book could be considered a minor one, but it irked me tremendously. The lettering was bad and difficult to read. It fits the style of the book, but I wished a different font choice had been used. It can be difficult to distinguish between the letters ‘o’ and ‘a’, and the word bubbles seemed way too large, likely used to accommodate the font used.

I give this issue 3.5 out of 5 stars. The characters are well written with clear, understandable motivations and the plot is intriguing, but average art and irksome lettering drag it down.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Written and Illustrated by Michael S Bracco

More information about The Creators can be found at

Author Profile

David Lee Martins

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