REVIEW: The Last Sheriff #2
G’Day Crusaders,
This is Dodgy86 in the mix, brining you The Last Sheriff # 2 by Chris Jenkins, Matthew King and Chris Imber (co-writer and artist). Proudly published by Reckless Hero.
The world where Sheriffs meant something, is no longer.. They were once the face and voice of law is now a myth..
Straight from the pages of the first issue, The Last Sheriff John H. Wilson and his lady friend Rose whom he saved from a bloodbath now have no choice but go on the run. They are now outlaws!!
Their destination is to reach the depths of The dreaded Dead Forest! In retaliation to Wilsons’ work in protecting Rose and killing violent cowboys, how far will Wilson and Rose reach until reinforcements are summoned? Will they get to The Dead Forest in time?
The high-tech Western continues the flow from the previous issue perfectly, there is no ‘what happened in the last issue’ introduction as it is not require. Due to the superb narrative and dialogue which offer consistency making the story easy to follow. The artwork by Imber is also consistently gorgeous throughout, the action sequences and the new villains are fun to watch.
This book is well worth a look, do ya’self a favor and check it out!
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Author Profile
- The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!
An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!
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