REVIEW: The Vision #10

It is a massive shame this title will soon be ending as it is one of the top two Marvel titles going!

If you haven“t been on this title, I will provide a quick catch up.:

THE VISION has created a synthezoid family.  Wife VIRGINIA, and children VIN and VIV and they are attempting to live a quiet life in a D.C. suburb.  Virginia was forced to kill a super villain to protect her family.  Vision“s brother, Victor Mancha kills Vin whist spying on Vision for the Avengers.  It seems Agatha Harkness has warned the Avengers, VISION will kill them all and “raze the world.”“

Issue 10 finds Vision and his remaining family on house arrest and dealing with the loss of Vin.  Virginia is hanging on to her shambled life and Viv battling logic based reasoning with the reasoning of faith.  The dialogue alone shows how crippling the loss of Vin is for the entire family.  The repetitive words and phrases pull you into the story and the pain of loss is palpable.  Walta and Bellaire only bolster the emotion with their deftly arranged panels and subtle ability to emote even synthezoid faces.


This has been as near perfection as I have seen in recent memory.  My only complaint is seeing it end. Do yourself a favor and grab this series, not just this issue and thank me later! 5 out of 5

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Agree or disagree, have titles you’d recommend?  Find me on Twitter @InhumanMongo

ART BY Gabriel Hernandez Walta
COLORS BY Jordie Bellaire
LETTERS BY VC – Clayton Cowles
COVER BY Mike del Mundo
PUBLISHER Marvel Comics

Author Profile

Inhuman Mongo

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