Review: Titans #35

Ӣ Written by Dan Abnett and Bruno Redondo, art by Christian Duce, colors by Marcelo Maiolo, Letters by Dave Sharpe.
”¢ “Into the Bleed” part three! The penultimate issue of the Titans.
”¢ Raven’s soul-self is leading the charge against the team.

This title should have worked . It was chock full of characters that I liked individually. Donna Troy, Beast Boy, Raven, Miss Martian and Steel, just drop Kyle Rayner and Jessica Cruz and it should have But issues with forgettable story-lines and terrible lettering and belly button gazing to nowhere made it a forgettable title. But while I wasn’t looking it actually got good apparently.

In the penultimate issue of the Titans, the the current iteration of the Titans struggle against Mother Blood aka Mother Mayhem (The New Teen Titans #21).  Mother Mayhem is a high-ranking member in the Church of Blood, who through some type of connection to the Source wall is able to control Beast Boy, split Raven into two different people on the emotional spectrum, pitting the angry one against the titans(Is it bad that I liked the bad Raven better than the normal one). Somebody who was dead comes back to life for some reason, I guess to show that the guy who we thought was bad really isn’t that bad at all. There was an allusion that a thing that happens here affects what happens in the Justice League Annual # (I didn’t find, or understand it)

Despite its’ convoluted plot, I really did enjoy this issue.  The art was perfectly suited to The Panel to panel action even if it was Titan against Titan , a tired plot device. One of the things that turned me off of the earlier Titan books was the lettering, but here the work was quite good, so a thanks to Dave Sharpe for the keep it simple formula.

Titans Vol 3 #35 will come in two covers; Cover A Regular Bruno Redondo; an also Cover B Variant Rafa Sandoval. Personally, I’ll be picking up the Cover B (pictured).

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

(W) Dan Abnett (A) Bruno Redondo

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