Previously in TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: After Oroku Saki, the leader of the Foot Clan known as Shredder was killed by Hamato Yoshi, also known as Splinter, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #50.  Due to the magic of Kitsune a shape-shifting witch, we get to see the soul of Shredder work through his own purgatory.   (First Appearance, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan #1).

Shredder finds himself in the forest he and Splinter played in as youths, only to be interrupted by the apparition of the Dragon, Takeshi Tatsuo, (First Appearance, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan #1) , the founder of the Foot Clan. Confusion set in as Oroku realizes he himself is the reincarnation of the Tatsuo, but in death, they share the same realm.

All that was covered in the version released in January 16th, 2019.  Even then there were quite a few questions that I had so, a director“s cut is right down my ally.  Mostly my questions were regarding the exposition.  Writer, Mateus Santolouco goes into explaining the placement of the exposition and why it seems so cramped on the pages.  Apparently, the original plan was for this mini-series to be six issues.  He knew that big chunks of exposition would be needed in the beginning and in the end of the series in order to properly tell the story.  Apparently also the Tree of Life into the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Universe required a grandiose scene and a lot of exposition that spilled onto two different panels.

As a consequence, that“s where I began to have the problems with the whole concept of this TMNT: SHREDDER IN HELL #1: The Director“s Cut, because there is plenty of Commentary balloons that explains what Mateus Santolouco wanted to do”¦so why didn“t he put it in this book?  I like the story, but this is supposed to be the Director“s Cut”¦not the Director“s commentary.  That the curse of putting out a good product I simply preferred more for my $4.99.

 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder In Hell Directors Cut #1 will have just one cover; But the original had some incentive variants as well as str Kevin Eastman Shredder In Hell #1 Exclusive IDW Limited Cover! Kevin Eastman has signed and remarked 99 copies of this special IDW Limited cover! Only 500 made!  There also was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder in Hell #1 Dell’Otto variant sold by Scorpion comics.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

(W) Tom Waltz – Kevin Eastman (A) Dave Wachter

TMNT: SHREDDER IN HELL #1: The Director“s Cut

Writer: Mateus Santolouco
Artist: Mateus Santolouco
Colors: Marcelo Costa, Mateus Santolouco
Letters: Shawn Lee
Cover: Mateus Santolouco
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Original Release Date: January 16th, 2019
Director“s Cut: April 24th, 2019

Author Profile

Lucas Fashina


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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