G’Day Crusaders,

This is Dodgy86 in the mix bringing you TREP # 1 by Patrick Davidson. Proudly published by PodComics.

TREP stands for Tactical Rescue Evacuation Police. The story evolves between best friends Floyd and Terrence and Terrence’s brother Bradley. Bradley somewhat has a chip on his shoulder, it begins with deliberately injuring his brother during a friendly Rugby to animosity at their work. At work (TREP Headquarters), the opportunity of a lifetime stumbles across the three young men as they are assigned to create an invention to aid Police and Firefighters. Great news for Floyd and Terrence as their inventions were chosen to be used in TREP (they created a multi-use, high-tech costume for both firefighters and police which withstands heat and weapons and police gadgets used to bind criminals), whilst they felt uneasy as Bradley’s invention was not chosen as he is known for being unstable and a bit of a loose cannon. How does Bradley cope with such failure and what happens next? I don’t so spoilers, so I think it’s best to read TREP # 1 to find out.


Patrick Davidson has proven to the jack of all trades here, he does everything from being the creator/ writer to the art, colorist and letterer. Doing everything by yourself is not an easy feat by any means. Generally when one person does everything, generally you notice the quality of the book tends to take a dip, however I did not see any obvious flaws in TREP. The art is smooth, clean and sharp making it easy to follow for first time readers. I have mixed feelings over the structure and pacing of the story as the build up to the action felt rushed, it is well written, in particular, the dialogue between characters so we the reader can understand who they are and their purpose in the story.

I am happy to see a man’s vision which was stored in his mind for over 15 years actually hit the publishing table. What pleased me is that TREP # 1 did not conclude the story in one issue, that means you have to pick up issue 2 and so on! Issues 1 to 4 are available on Comixology.


If you enjoy vigilante style characters who have issues and feel the need to redeem themselves.. well this is the book for you and do ya’self a favor and check it out!

Dodgy got to ask Patrick 3 questions, non-comic based, check out the questions and responses below:

1- Besides making cool comics, what do you do for fun?
I like to travel, hike, animate, practice my spanish, and SCUBA dive when the opportunity presents itself. I live in a pretty remote area of Costa Rica, so we like to drive into the “big city”“ of San Jose a few times a year. We also travel to California about once a year to visit friends and family.
2-  Are you an X-Box or PS man?
Neither actually, I never got into video games like some of my friends did. But I did look into buying an Xbox One with Kinect recently. I do a lot of video chats and I want to be able to do them from my couch and big screen TV. I think the tech companies are missing an opportunity there.
3 – If you meet a multi-verse version of yourself (either Earth 2 or an Earth 616), what would you do or say?
I“d ask him which country he lived in. It would be interesting to see if he would end up an ex-pat like I did. Then I“d probably ask him if he was doing more comic book work or animation work. Then I“d immediately look for a delorean and try to get him back to his own universe. On second thought, I“d probably set up another desk in my office and have him start working on color flats for TREP.

You can pick Trep up from or seek the Eco-Friendly Publishers at and find more on

Author Profile

Shane Tydeman
The Wonder from Down Under,
Dodgy is a senior contributor to Comic Crusaders. Co-Host of The Yeah-Nah Wepa Show! An advocate of indie comics and is creator of Indie Comics podcasts Flipside Focus, Sunderkatz and Think Indie Podcast!

An unapologetic movie fan, NBA fan, action figure, trading card fan! Also an advocate for Depression awareness!


Mr. Wepa

Al Mega


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