REVIEW: Unity #19
Written by Matt Kindt
Art by Jose Luis with Sandro Ribeiro, Alisson Rodrigues and Jefte Palo
Colors by Andrew Dalhouse
Published by Valiant Entertainment LLC.
Unity #19 introduces us to Valiant“s newest villain, or one of their oldest rather – her name is War-Monger. Apparently, she“s existed for centuries, and from a very young age, she has shown an insatiable desire for violence and mayhem.
For the majority of this issue, we are presented with portions of Earth“s history in the Valiant Universe from War-Monger“s exceedingly vulgar perspective. Her name throughout the ages has become synonymous with trouble, mischief and terror. Naturally, she despises opposition, especially if any resistance that“s aimed in her direction arrives in the form of a united front. As far as we know, only one talented group in history was able to slow her down. Therefore, War-Monger adopts a tactic similar to the old Cobra Kai methodology and applies it to modern times – “STRIKE FIRST. STRIKE HARD. NO MERCY.”“ This invaluable lesson from the character John Kreese (played by Martin Kove), sensei of the Cobra Kai from the first Karate Kid movie, is precisely the approach War-Monger chooses to use for dealing with the threat the Unity team could eventually bring her way. I can“t say I blame her. The members of the Unity team have fought against each other, fought well independently, been through war together, dealt with a rival group, etc. They have become a synchronized unit, essentially proving to the world that no task is too small or impossible and that their success will remain undisrupted for as long as they will it”¦but not if War-Monger can help it”¦
Matt Kindt“s approach for this new story arc was certainly different in my opinion. I was not expecting the bulk of this story to be told and/or narrated from War-Monger“s point of view. I had no qualms with War-Monger“s origin story and I especially liked learning more about Earth“s past and its heroes from another era. What made me lose some interest with this script and with the War-Monger character in general was the constant censored swearing. As I was reading this issue, I was like “What the @^(% ?”“ Then it turned into, “OK, this $#!+ is a getting a little @^(%!#& annoying”“. Â You get the drift. The censoring made me feel as if I was playing a game of Mad Libs; having the ability to pick and choose whatever word I saw fit.
Four different artists collaborated on this issue. Where I felt the illustration was at its best was with War-Monger“s childhood panels as well as with the adventurers of yesteryear. The colors used during War-Monger“s chaotic childhood really emphasized the barbaric environment she grew up in. The coloring, and especially the shading, during her encounter with the heroes from the Middle Ages was spectacular. It really had a medieval feel to it.
I am more than confident Kindt will deliver yet another successful Unity story arc. Of that I have no worries. Neither should you.
Until next time!
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
Author Profile
- Real Name: Mike / Occupation: (As Mike) Classified; (as The 13th Crusader) Host of The Definitive Crusade, DC Podcast, for Undercover Capes / Known Aliases: 13, The Iron Mike, Ironhide, The Walking Human Encyclopedia, Professor M / Affiliations: Comic Crusaders / Base of Operations: The 13th Lair (location classified), often mobile / Abilities: Photographic memory (to the extent where he is capable of memorizing the comic book inventories of several stores simultaneously for lengthy periods of time), voice impersonation, acute senses (The 13th Crusader possesses an uncanny ability to track down vintage comic books, and on several occasions, with his eyes closed, he has been able to determine the exact year a comic book was published just by smelling the ink inside of it), capable of drawing sketches; however, he prefers to write. He has a substantial amount of resistance to alcohol, surpassing the levels displayed by Marvel’s Volstagg and Valiant’s Aram Anni-Padda – combined. Multilingual (Proficient with English and Spanish, adequate with Portuguese and Italian). Above average marksman (he is capable of throwing objects accurately at high velocities), limited sword fighting skills and kickboxing techniques. / Known Weaknesses: Anything that involves the original Gwen Stacy, 2 for 1 drinks during Happy Hour, 50 cent comic book bins, the scent of 1983 comic book ink / Hobbies: Vintage comic book collecting, baseball, listening to excessive amounts of 80’s music / History: Little is known of The 13th Crusader. He is a man of many talents who was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. He has extensive knowledge of the comic book world and he’s been collecting comic books since before he was able to read. He’s a BIG time fan of Silver and Bronze Age comics, and as such, his personal collection is truly impressive. He owns books that range from the 1950’s and onward. First Appearance: Comic Crusaders Column – What Defines A Characters First Appearance (Feb 2014)
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