REVIEW: Usagi Yojimbo Color Classics #1
Usagi Yojimbo Color Classics #1, collects the original early issues of the acclaimed long-running series in full color! Every issue will also feature new behind-the-scenes material and art.
 The First story of Usagi Yojimbo Color Classics #1, follows a young Usagi Yojimbo, as he becomes a Shugyosha for- Katsuichi, a hermit near Miyamoto Usagi’s village who is a lion samurai sensei who abandoned his school due to being populated with poor quality students available.
Taking Usagi Yojimbo as his student, Katsuichi used unusual techniques to teach the young rabbit. These included surprise attacks to encourage Usagi to be constantly vigilant to danger. D
The Second story of Usagi Yojimbo Color Classics #1, The Funhouse is a very quick snippet writtern by Juliet Sakai and Stan Sakai. It involves an adventure the that Usagi Yojimbo and his friends had as children. Drawn by Stan Sakai and colored by
Emi Fujii
As for the Art by Stan Sakai, the Samurai story has this familiarity that reminds me of the older Heathcliff cartoons from the 80’s, that makes me eager to see this in animated form. Additionally there is a really great splash page that captures the captivity from the Battle of Adachigahara,
As a brand new initiate to the Usagi Yojimbo fandom this is perfect it does what it was supposed to do , be being informative without being boring.  Whether you’re a long-term Usagi fan or brand new to the adventures of the ronin rabbit, this series will be the perfect addition to your comic library!
Last year, via social media Stan Sakai revealed that an animated series was in the hopper with a photo of himself during a meeting with Gaumont in July. Though there has been no other information released currently, this project appears to be part of a resurgence for the franchise. An animated series could help bring the franchise to a more mainstream audience.
So while I wait for the animated series to happen, Usagi Yojimbo Color Classics #1, will do just fine but in the meantime. Of course I might also have to jump on the collecting wagon. It turns out that the 1st appearance of Usagi Yojimbo was Albedo Anthropomorphics #2 (November 1984), the print run for the first (and only) print is actually listed on the inside cover “Right now there’s 2000 copies, so at the moment it might set you back a couple of K’s.
SCORE: 2.8/5
Writer |Artist| Letterer: Stan Sakai
Colorist: Ronda Pattison
“Funhouse” Writer|Artist: Julie Sakai & Stan Sakai
Colorist: Emi Fujii
By IDW Publishing
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