REVIEW: Vasion #’s 1 – 3
Created/Wrtitten by Christian Hall
Illustrated by Nate Johnson
Published by 2nd Coming Comix
Enforce Council – An ancient organization formed by an even more ancient alien race charged to protect their citizens and deter their enemies from inflicting further harm after a very long war. The Enforcers are disappointed with the council and their inability to protect them from an ancient enemy known as Devour, he is a creature shrouded in mystery but known to be a force to be reckoned with as he will feast on all, from men to women to children alike and many of their denizens have gone missing and Devour is suspected as he has been sighted multiple times. The Enforce council has had enough and will now act and wage all out war to find Devour!
Issue #1 – The story starts with a vicious bombing attack in south Africa in pursuit of the creature that has been spotted. The bombing seems to been of no use as the creature carves through the men in loo of the heavy fire bombing that the creature is enduring. Devour, presses on and counter attacks using fire breath, the soldiers shoot away, but it seems Devour’s hide is bulletproof as the bullets just bounce off his flesh.
The soldiers continue on their attack as instructed by their fearless leader, Capt. Mike Anders. He sends in a flamethrower guard to slow down the creature, however, it is to no avail a Devour shoots laser beams from his eyes rendering the soldier moot. At that point Devour takes a page from the Tazmanian Devil and begins to spin to cut through the soldiers, killing and maiming every soldier within his sight. The soldiers press on to no avail, nothing can stop Devour and now Capt Anders will need to consider a new strategy to contain the creature.
Issue #2 –
As the Capt formulates his plan air support is hot on the tail, no pun intended, of Devour. They are drop missiles all on and around the creature and momentarily stun him, they surmise that they may have an opening by possibly just injuring the creature. They begin to think that maybe a well placed shot to the head can take out Devour, so they attempt the maneuver. Well guess again as that plan fails miserably and in the attack they lose a chopper with good men and now Devour turns around and heads back towards Capt. Anders and his men on the land. The soldiers throw all they got at Devour, the battle is intense as the soldiers don’t let up for a second, could victory be at hand?
Issue #3 -Â
The action continues in the final issue of this arc. The soliders of the EFC continue to relentlessly attack Devour with all they got and the creature itself is not giving up! Bullets flying, bombs blasting as the soliders await air support to reach them. Capt. Anders had a powrful landmine planted nearby and needs Air Support to lead the creature to it. Lastyly, they arrive and attack and force Devour towards the route of the landmine, however, it is not as easy as it seems as Devour fights back and manages to bring down some of the air support but nonetheless the team moves forward to lead the creature to their trap. And a success it is, upon Devour reaching the site a huge explsosion goes off, once the dust settles the creature is nowhere in sight, the men celebrate but Capt. Anders doesn’t seem ready to be convinced this is over! Has the EFC won? Only time will tell.
Bottom Line:
The storytelling in this new venture is well paced. Christian Hall does a good job of keeping the reader engaged in this violent epic reminiscent of an 80’s shoot’em up. The dialouge and interaction between characters is well done.
The art and coloring is by Nate Johnson, the characters are well drawn and he can definitely display the emotions of the characters and his action scenes are layed out nicely, the overall art style is pleasing to the eye.
Vasion is a good start to a brand new publisher looking to bring back fun and diversity to comics! Give’em a try.
[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]
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Author Profile
- I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!
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