Review: Weapon H #2

Can anybody explain to me why the Marvel Universe version of Canada hasn“t been nuked to all hell and beyond? Unlike Canada in our world which is populated pretty much by friendly and wonderful – albeit hockey-obsessed – people, Marvel“s Canada is filled with Great Beasts, psychos, and government-funded mad scientists who unleash monsters and killers on the world three times a day and six on Sundays. The worst that our Canada has unleashed on the planet is curling.

The latest case in point is Weapon H. I am half-convinced that this was an idea that came out of a Todd McFarlane-Rob Liefeld circle jerk in 1994 and then was lost for 24 years where a drunken Greg Pak found it and said “This is the dumbest idea ever! I can make it work!”“ I mean we have two overpowered superheroes, Hulk and Wolverine, mashed together? Who thought that Hulk needed knuckle knives or that Wolverine needed more muscles and anger issues?

But – damn it – Pak (Action Comics, Weapon X, Hulk) did find a way to make it work. This is unfair.

Weapon H, a soldier named Clay got volunteered for the standard Marvel Canada treatment after he refused to kill innocent women and children. So he was hulkisized and wolverinated until he came out a but white Hulk with Adamantium claws and (just to prove how 90s he is) spikes. When he comes across a town threatened by Roxxon created ur-Wendigo, Clay feels compelled to fight the monster.

Luckily, he gets a little help from Doctor Strange.

While Pak somehow is making these characters three-dimensional with feelings and arcs, Cory Smith (Magnus Robot Fighter, X-Men Blue, Nova) refuses to be outdone on the art. His monsters are beautiful and disgusting. His fight scene are crisp and easy to follow. You know where ever swing is going to land and the fight seems all the more brutal for it.

However, the unsung hero of this book has to be letterer Joe Caramagna, who must have had a great time figuring out how to fit all the SHAAANGs!, WEENNNDIIIIIGOs!, and SHAA KOOMs! In and make them feel integral to the book.

When I first saw this book, my eyes rolled so hard, the optometrist had to fix them with a crowbar. But really the first two issues have really turned me around on it. I“m not saying it is at the top of my pull list, but I wouldn“t be embarrassed to be seem buying it at my LCS.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Writer: Greg Pak
Artist: Cory Smith
Colorist: Morry Hollowell
Cover Artist: Leinil Francis Yu & Romulo Fajardo, Jr.

Author Profile

Andy Hall
Sent from the future by our Robot Ape overlords to preserve the timeline. Reading and writing about comics until the revolution comes. All hail the Orangutan Android Solar King!
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