Review: Wonder Woman #41

“I care nothing for earth…” – Darkseid.


The furies stand before Darkseid. They are afraid of his wrath at the failure of their mission. But the evil Lord reasons that he may have use for these warriors despite their failures so he let’s them live. He is, however, displeased with the Headsman who has the gall to tell Darkseid “no” which leads to a less humane fate. After this we jump to our heroine and her one true love Steve Trevor where they discuss the events that lead to this moment and what Wonder Woman had to go through. A contemplative issue, but don’t worry action fans, there’s more to come!

The Creative Team:

James Robinson knows how to balance drama and action. From the opening where Darkseid expresses his dismay at the furies failure to Dianna Prince expressing her feelings. We see the soft side of our protagonist as well as the attack by a brand new antagonist. Another Pyrokinetic simply named Zara (I guess all the good Pyrokinetic super powered names were taken, Human Torch, Inferno, Sunfire, Flamebird, Brimstone, etc. Cigarette Lighter probably wouldn’t have cut it. lol.) Normally such a super powered being wouldn’t be that much of a threat to our amazon, but this one was different with enhanced abilities. Great stuff includes Wonder Woman confiding in her lover that he’s the only one that sees her vulnerable side and seeing her battle not one but two new enemies.

Stephen Segovia brings a certain edge to everyone’s favorite daughter of Zeus. His Darkseid is appropriately menacing and the battle scenes jump out at you the way a battle scene should. Highlights include Wonder Woman’s battle with Anglette and the final splash page.

In Conclusion:

This is a fine issue that explores Dianna Prince and Steve Trevor’s relationship. It also ups the anti as Darkseid has unknown plans for Wonder Woman and her Amazonian Island Themyscira. It’s not known weather or not Darkseid is responsible for the new attacks on our amazonian princess but it would surely go along with his personality and attitude to distract Wonder Woman until he’s ready to unleash the ultimate attack on her. This issue ends with a surprise twist in the return of… to be continued. *** (7.5 rating)

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Writer – James Robinson
Art – Stephen Segovia
Colors – Romulo F’ajardo Jr.
Letters – Saida Temofonte
Publisher – DC Comics

Author Profile

Kevin Given
Kevin Given has studied with “ Longridge Writers Group ” and “ Writer’s Boot Camp ” a speech/communications major from the University of Maine Presque-Isle/Orono sites. He has created the “ Karl Vincent Vampire Hunter ” franchise which includes novels and comic books. They can be found on amazon, Indyplanet and Kindle. For a limited time you can get digital copies of “ Karl Vincent: Vampire hunter ” # 1 and “ Files of Karl Vincent ” # 1 for free on Indyplanet. Kevin is producing the third novel in the series “ Dracula Rising ” (working title) and developing “ Foul Blood ” into comic book form. Don't forget to check out the YouTube show " Comics: Let's Talk " hosted by Kevin Given
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