Have you ever wondered what WWE Superstars do on their time off? No? Me neither.

Based on an industry full of over the top costumed characters that spout cliched dialogue and pound the stuffing out of each other on a recurring basis, you’d think that professional wrestling and the comic book medium would be a natural fit. And it just could be, if it were in more capable hands. To cut to the quick, this comic is boring!

The story by Dennis Hopeless, which has less conflict or characterization than a Road Runner cartoon, involves WWE Superstars Dean Ambrose and Sasha Banks. After having a bad day in the squared circle the pair decide to take a road trip to blow off some steam or “shake off the ring rust”“. What follows is an excursion into hillbilly heaven. They dance at a nightclub, stop at a roadside diner for ribs and potato salad, check out a carnival fairground, and even participate in a demolition derby. The only things missing to be any more stereotypically American would be a NASCAR race and a Donald Trump rally.
Good art in a comic can make a dull story seem more vibrant, but unfortunately Serg Acuna’s line work is equally bland.

What little ring action that takes place consists of too many close-ups and muddy depictions of classic wrestling moves. It’s confusing. And it doesn’t help that two of the combatants are both golden-haired muscle-bound dudes. I had to Google who was who. Most of the panel backgrounds are nothing more than speed lines which do nothing to make the foregrounds appear more dynamic. And when the background art is depicted, it consists of color tinted photographs of architecture, trees, or actual WWE audiences. Weak.

If you’re the type of person who feels comfortable wearing a WWE t-shirt or hat out in public, I recommend you check this comic out. You might enjoy this laid back, slice of life tale. You may even learn a tiny bit more about your favorite wrestlers. To everyone else, just ignore it.

Writing 2/5 stars
Art 2/5 stars

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

WWE #6- BOOM! Studios
Written by Dennis Hopeless
Art by Serg Acuna
Review by J.P. Harvey

Author Profile

J.P. Harvey

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