REVIEW: Wildstorm Michael Cray #4

To become a monster or become something more? That is the decision facing Cray. It is really the one he has been facing the entire series, but this issue brings it into focus. What kind of person will he become? Will he learn to adapt to his power and learn to control it or will he become the next threat that someone like him will have to put down?

This is the same threat that all of the mainstream DC characters have had to face. In the Wildstorm universe, however, they have all seemed to make the wrong choice. Michael must learn to control his powers while figuring out a way to bring down a murderous, rampant technophobe like Barry Allen. Allen has been using his super speed to kill anyone researching artificial intelligence.

Michael“s bosses want Allen“s research so they can use it to develop their own weapons. His team wants to know if he“s becoming as big a threat as the ones they are facing together. His powers seem to want something as well. How can Michael satisfy all these needs without becoming the abyss that he is staring into?

Bryan Hill (Postal, Bonehead) and Larry Hama (Wolverine, Titans) are really crafting an interesting story about holding on to what makes a person human when so many around him are losing their humanity. Not just the super-powered people, but the scientists and doctors around him as well as the people he works for. Who can he trust? And if his power-granting brain tumor really does have its own personality, does that mean is won“t be able to trust himself soon?

We are only a third of the way through this 12-issue series, where Hill and Hama have managed to ramp the action each time. It doesn“t take a genius to see where this series is going as Michael works his way up through the DC powerhouses. But where is leads Cray himself is another question entirely and I am all in for that ride.

[yasr_overall_rating size=”large”]

Writer: Bryan Hill
Breakdowns: Larry Hama
Penciller: N. Steven Harris
Inkers: Dexter Vines and Andy Owens
Colorist: Dearbhla Kelly

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Andy Hall
Sent from the future by our Robot Ape overlords to preserve the timeline. Reading and writing about comics until the revolution comes. All hail the Orangutan Android Solar King!
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