Street Noise Books Presents: Saving the Planet, Environmental Injustice, and Queer Literary History in Fall 2024!

Graphic novel publisher Street Noise Books presents its fall 2024 list: Djuna, by Jon Macy, Milk Without Honey, by Hanna Harms, and Toxic Tropics, by Jessica Oublié and Nicola Gobbi. Street Noise’s graphic novels have a radical, intersectional feminist, queer, and inclusion vision, and provide a platform for the voices of marginalized people.
“Publishing books that open your eyes and get you thinking means there’s never a dull moment at Street Noise Books. This fall, we are excited to not only be exploring the glamour and innovation of lesbian literature in Paris in the 1920s, but also doing a deep dive into how we as humans are poisoning the planet, and encouraging us all to take responsibility for the health of our ecosystem,” says Liz Frances, Street Noise Books Publisher and Founder.
FALL 2024 is:
Djuna, by Jon Macy (on sale 10/8). The first graphic novel biography of the pioneering lesbian novelist Djuna Barnes—from growing up in a cult to literary Paris to the mental health decline and social isolation of her last years.
Milk Without Honey, by Hanna Harms (on sale 9/3). A gorgeous, contemplative meditation on the fate of our lives—and the world’s ecosystem—without bees and other pollinators.
Toxic Tropics, by Jessica Oublié and Nicola Gobbi (on sale 11/5). A searing work of comics journalism exploring the use of the toxic chemical chlordecone as a pesticide in the US and the French Antilles.
Founded in 2020, Street Noise has published powerful, important graphic novels like Bishakh Som’s Spellbound, Shelby Criswell’s Queer As All Get-Out, Sharon Lee De La Cruz’s Wild Seed, Hayley Gold’s Nervosa, Jim Terry’s Come Home, Indio, and Karina Shor’s Silence, Full Stop. Learn more about Street Noise at

Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!

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