Top 10 Comics for the Week of 5/8/2019
What an emotional week of comics for me. I do not say this lightly when I say the top two books of this week are two of the best comics I read all year. A reminder that this list is based solely on my opinion so may differ from other reviews on the site. With that said, let“s get onto the countdown…
10. The Long Con #9
Writer: Dylan Meconis
Artist: Ea Denich
Publisher: Oni Press
Description: Victor and Dez face a deadly trial by nerd pub quiz! Odious fanboy Judge Decky will send one hero to a dark, noticeably sticky oblivion, while the other gets an express trip to a verdant, verbose paradise. Both are confronted by unexpected offers-but at what cost to the people of Long Con? Will our heroes give in to temptation, or will they seize their best, last chance to take down the Special Guest?
Why it Made the List: Personally gatekeeping is one of the biggest things I cannot stand when it comes to fandom. How fandom has morphed into ownership of a given property or medium has made things far more toxic than ever. So when this issue of The Long Con satirized that very thing I ate every bit of it up. This series has been about deconstructing fandom and all its quirks and oddities in a fun but snipping manner.
9. Hawkman #12
Writer: Robert Venditti
Artist: Bryan Hitch
Publisher: DC Comics
Description: With the battlefield split, Carter and his past lives put together a last-ditch plan to stop the Deathbringers once and for all, but if it should fail, Earth will be doomed and the universe will fall into the hands of the Deathbringers forever!
Why it Made the List: This is Bryan Hitch“s last issue with this series and I do wonder how well it will work without him. This series, especially these final few issues, played into his strengths as an artist. His ability to craft large cinematic action setpieces is still among the best in comics. Even if this series never reaches the heights of this issue again these twelve have been a feat. Hawkman has long been one of those characters no one could ever truly figure out how to do right. Robert Venditti and Hitch leaned into his convoluted history to create something new and epic. One that has the feel and scale of a major event even though it mostly focuses on one main character.
8. Black Hammer: Age of Doom #10
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Dean Ormstom
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Description: The Eisner Award-winning superhero saga returns! With the team coming together, Black Hammer, Abe, and company try to figure out what“s happened to throw their lives upside down. Lucy, however, receives a call from an unexpected hero, which thrusts their plan into chaos.
Why it Made the List: Looking at this current arc of Black Hammer: Age of Doom it does seem like the narrative is taking a step back as we are taking time for them to remember their past lives once again. What that does do is show that even if their lives as heroes were complex and not without heartache where they are now is much worse. Gail becomes the emotional center of this issue and no doubt this will have a lasting impact moving forward. As this arc is showing sometimes getting what you want is the worse thing that can happen.
7. The Flash #70
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Howard Porter
Publisher: DC Comics
Description: “The Flash Year One”“ starts here! Barry Allen feels helpless in his life in Central City. As a forensic scientist, he“s always catching criminals after they“ve committed their crimes. All that changes one fateful night when Barry is struck by a bolt of lightning and doused in chemicals. When he wakes from a coma, he realizes he can run at incredible speeds. Can Barry master these powers and be the hero his city needs”¦ or will the powers burn through him?
Why it Made the List: I’ve been out of Joshua Williamson’s Flash run I thought Year One would be a good opportunity to jump back in even if the Year One idea has been done to death at this point. Still unsure if this is adding much new to the Flash mythos but the execution was strong. Much of it comes down to Howard Porter’s page layouts. Really strong pacing that kept the story moving which is important considering how much is being revisited. If you liked the TV show but never read a comic this is a great place to start. For this to work and be something impactful further issues will need to find something worthwhile to explore and the ending seems like they may have found it.
6. Wyrd #3
Writer: Curt Pires
Artist: Antonio Fuso
Publisher: Dark Horse
Description: Once upon a time in Los Angeles… Wyrd goes on a bender with the ghost of a dead celebrity. A serial killer is on the loose. It’s supposed to be his day off, but Wyrd has to solve the case anyway. Also: The secret history of Wyrd’s powers!
Why it Made the List: It is always a good sign when a series gets better with each issue. Wyrd is growing into a captivating character and this issue gets into what may be the motivating factor behind his lackadaisical attitude. Antonio Fuso“s art is like a combination of Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino as he uses limited lines but also has some clever panel layouts. He is not afraid to use white space to keep the reader“s eye concentrated on each key moment. Â
5. These Savage Shores #4
Writer: Ram V.
Artist: Sumit Kumar
Publisher: Vault ComicsÂ
Description: The shadow of war is cast over the land, where people and promises are broken alike. The smell of blood calls to beasts. Now is the time of monsters. Along these savage shores, where hope is folly, and fortune is the lie of a cruel whim.
Why it Made the List: When you think about a story centered on vampires and monsters you would not think it would be this elegant. It starts with the artwork of Sumit Kumar who utilizes the nine-panel grid with pristine skill and effort. Where these two varied cultures are clashing in brutal and bloody ways. Â Major credit to the lettering as well as it all leads to this classic literature type of aesthetic. As has been the case since issue one this is one of the best-looking books on the shelves today.
4. Deadly Class #38
Writer: Rick Remender
Artist: Wes Craig
Publisher: Image Comics
Description: “NEVER GO BACK,”“ Part Three (of Five) Marcus and Maria return to Kings Dominion and face the rot that festers in its halls. HOLLYWOOD NEWS! Soon to be a SYFY TV series airing on Wednesday, January 16th, 2019.
Why it Made the List: With Deadly Class nearing its end we are going back to where it all began. Doing so makes it evident just how much as changed since Marcus and the others were back at the school. This was dramatically rendered by Wes Craig as ghosts of the past literally lay in the foreground as they forever haunt Marcus to this day. This is all building up to what hopefully is a satisfying conclusion.
3. Wasted Space #9
Writer: Michael Moreci
Artist: Hayden Sherman
Publisher: Vault Comics
Description: Strap into your seats, because it’s all about to get wild as the penultimate issue of Wasted Space’s second arc comes in hot! Rich jerks! A pesky nuke! Cute, furry aliens! It’s all here!
Why it Made the List: If you were going to key in on what makes Wasted Space work as well as it does you would have a plethora to choose from. For me the strongest out of all them is its sharp sense of humor and knowing when to use it and when to layback. After a previous issue that was a bit more somber, this had many more laughs which was important considering how the ending turns out. Making you think that maybe they are taking things a bit easier this go around to blow that thought up right in your face.
2. Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Juann Cabal
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Description: The neighborhood, and the planet, is doomed. Spider-Man is powerless to stop the end of the world. Only Earth“s Newest and Mightiest Hero, Spider-Bite, can save the day. Wait, WHAT?!
Why it Made the List: This is one of those weeks and the top two are heads and shoulders above everything that came out this week. After reading this I was certain this would be in the number one spot based on the emotional reaction I had. To talk about it in any detail would ruin much of what works about it so the bottom line is if you ever wanted to read an issue that embodies what it means to be super you should read this. Juann Cabal“s art is phenomenal including a two-page spread of Spider-Man and Spider-Bite fight a massive group of villains. Even if you have not been reading this series or comics, in general, this is worth reading. I have no doubt it will go done as one of the best single issues of the year.
1. Murder Falcon #8
Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson
Colorist: Mike Spicer
Publisher: Image Comics
Description: DANIEL WARREN JOHNSON’s power ballad concludes in a brutal battle of the bands! The members of Brooticus have come too far to allow Magnum Khaos to reign on Earth. Strap on your axe, join the battle, and remember: METAL WILL DESTROY ALL EVIL!
Why it Made the List: I did not expect to read a more moving issue this week that Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6 but then I got to the finale of Murder Falcon. One of the most emotionally fulfilling issues I have read all year. Joyous, exciting, and poignant. It has the blockbuster excitement full of ridiculous fun with this central narrative so wrought with emotional honesty. A touching story on the bravery to say goodbye and the power of music to express the soul of humanity. There were so many different moments that got me From the page that symbolizes the power music can hold, to the final page that embodies what it means to be bittersweet. All of which is rendered with some massively impressive art. This is one of those issues that will stick with me I have no doubt.
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- A fan of all things comics. Growing up on a healthy diet of 90's Batman and X-Men cartoon series ignited a love for the medium that remains strong today.
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