REVIEW: Wonder Woman No. 800 – Whatever Happened To The Warrior Of Truth Pt.II

In the same vein as Alan Moore’s “Whatever Happened To The Man of Tomorrow?” and Neil Gaiman’s “Whatever Happened To The Caped Crusader?”, Becky Cloonan aims to etch her name alongside the greats by completing the trinity with the final chapter of the two-part “Whatever Happened To The Warrior Of Truth?” in the 800th issue of Wonder Woman’s standalone title.

Through Cloonan’s pen, readers participate in an Amazonian ritual of the Oracles as Wondy traverses time and space with her closest allies. From those who have wielded the tiara, bracelets, and lasso of truth in the past (Yara Flor, Artemis, Donna Troy) to her trusted teammates in The Trinity (Superman and Batman), Wonder Woman embarks on a profound journey, reconciling the impact she has had on her comrades’ lives. The story concludes with a meeting between the Queen of Amazons past (Hippolyta) and the newly crowned Queen Nubia, a superb choice for a new Wonder Woman series since Future State. With a sense of fulfillment, Wonder Woman soars into the distance, satisfied with her influence on others and herself.

Cloonan’s story, much like Moore’s and Gaiman’s, evokes deep emotions. However, instead of Wonder Woman’s Rogues Gallery reflecting on her life, Cloonan takes a daring approach by employing her greatest confidants to narrate her tale and affirm her identity. Unlike the absence of both the World’s Finest during their literal and metaphorical wakes, Wonder Woman actively provides guidance and instills confidence in the companions she encounters on her path to self-redemption, beautifully paralleling the role of the Holy Spirit in Judeo-Christian mythology’s Trinity.

A multitude of artists, including Jordie Bellaire, Alitha E. Martinez, Mark Morales, Joelle Jones, and Todd Nauck, contribute to a vibrant depiction of Wonder Woman’s life across the panels. The art captures the essence of key eras, from George Perez’s groundbreaking run to Joelle Jones’s visceral masterpieces in the present, complemented by Alitha E. Martinez’s bright and optimistic illustrations that define the modern era of Themyscira. “Whatever Happened To The Warrior Of Truth?” is heartwarming, visually stunning, and the perfect journey down memory lane towards a promising future with one of pop culture’s most beloved and enduring icons.

Score : 5/5

Written by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, and Tom King Art by Joelle Jones, Todd Nauck, Daniel Sampere, and others.

by C.V.R. The Bard

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C.V.R. The Bard
Poet. Philosopher. Journalist. Purveyor of Truths.


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