“Comics Are Dying: The Comic” by 1 Writer and 100 Artists

For most of the past hundred years, many have claimed that comic books are on the decline. Despite numerous challenges, the comic book industry has persevered and thrives today. In honor of its remarkable journey into the 21st century, a satirical Original Graphic Novel (OGN) has emerged, titled “Comics Are Dying: The Comic” – a brief exploration and celebration of the comic book realm!

Crafted and penned by Louis Southard, a 24-year-old comic book writer known for works like “The Blackout Bombshell,” “Midnight Western Theatre,” and “Villains Seeking Hero,” this book delves into comic book history through one-page short story comics, with a different artist for each page. The primary aim was to assemble a diverse team of 100 individuals, including both established and emerging artists from various backgrounds. “Comics Are Dying: The Comic” endeavors to be a lively, enlightening, tongue-in-cheek, satirical, and hopeful publication, designed to engage new readers, provide job opportunities for artists, and support comic book stores.

AdPart2_Group1CastList.jpgSouthard had this to say: “I was incensed and motivated at the end of 2023 following me witnessing bullies, fanatics, and con men abusing this industry online and in real life. I felt that I wanted–or needed–to do something about it and put some much needed optimism into the world of comic books. More importantly, I didn’t want to just talk. I needed to do something more tangible. I wanted to help the industry by giving people jobs and a chance to show off their artistic merit. It’s a personal and financial gambit on my end, but I care about the comic book industry and I believe the people who keep it alive must be treated well, paid on time, and given the opportunity to shine. If I can do that on my own as an independent creator, there’s no real excuse for any other larger entity not to. These are some of the best people working today and, without them, we have nothing but words.”
Above is a glimpse of the initial fifty artists welcomed into the group. They encompass a mix of different ages, backgrounds, genders, and orientations, showcasing a wide range of talent and diversity:

Current discussions are underway to find a publisher who shares the same ambition as the book to support readers, comic book stores, and the upcoming wave of comic book artists. Should no suitable publisher step up to the challenge, the complete comic book will be made available online for free, serving as a digital exhibit highlighting some of today’s top creative talents!

NOTE: Cover by artist Sean Peacock

Author Profile

Al Mega
I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!

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