“Psycho” marks the second installment in Goldiie Lux’s ambitious three-part musical trilogy, Toxic Lullabies. This project is a musical journey that chronicles the arc of a romantic relationship. It began with the release of “Feel Again,” which captured the initial spark and attraction between lovers. “Psycho” now explores the seeds of doubt and mistrust that can creep into a relationship. Fans can eagerly anticipate the highly anticipated third installment, which will contemplate the relationship’s ultimate value, coming soon.
Goldiie Lux’s musical ascent continues with Toxic Lullabies, captivating her growing fan base with its unique and deeply relatable visuals that transcend to musical cinema. Unconfined to a single genre, “Psycho” and the Toxic Lullabies project showcases Goldiie Lux’s artistic evolution as she creatively blends storytelling with innovative production. Her timeless songwriting style is infused with a fresh, exuberant rush of energy and inventive, off-kilter production flourishes. It’s the sound of a creative artist stepping into a new world and, thrillingly, finding her true voice.
About Goldiie Lux
Naomi Simonne Summers, better known by her stage name “Goldiie Lux,” is a rising star in the music industry who has captivated audiences with her unique sound and inspiring journey. Hailing from Santa Barbara, California, and raised in Oxnard, Naomi’s story is one of transformation, resilience, and the power of music. From a young age, Naomi discovered solace and inspiration in music. Growing up in the picturesque town of Santa Barbara, she found herself drawn to the world of melodies and harmonies. Remarkably, her passion for music began to take shape at the tender age of 9 when she immersed herself in the enchanting universe of “Hogwarts Legacy,” a series that not only ignited her imagination but also laid the foundation for her future artistic endeavors. Naomi’s journey towards becoming Goldiie Lux came with her desire to make music her dream, she embarked on a mission to use her musical talents to heal herself and others. Determined to rise in her music career she joined forces with SCMG (South Coast Music Group) to bring her artistic vision to life. Through “Toxic Lullabies,” she unveils her distinctive blend of genres, captivating listeners with her mesmerizing melodies.
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