2019 Variants of the Year

In 2019, it was rough year for collectors, due to the shenanigans of some of the publishers, who tried to play the High Ration variant game on covers that weren’t worth it.  Todd Mcfarlane’s Spawn made a big come back and was a  force to be reckoned with through the year. There was a break some break out pieces from David Finch, Gerard Zaffino, and Shanon Maer, but largely the year belonged to Inhyuk Lee.  The bubble pop that was forecast never came, but in fact reached new heights due to movie hype. Hopefully there will be some price corrections in 2020.

Deadpool #10

1ST appearance of MAJOR X! Rob Liefield paid Marvel to commission himself to do and sell from his online store for $100 for the set, for Deadpool #10 that was published a week before Spider-Man/Deadpool #47 (which he had nothing to do with). There was a $99 buy in for a 2-pack signed, and now collectors are asking for $275.


Spider-Men II #1 Julian Totino Tedesco 1:50 Variant:

1st appearances evil Miles Morales;  This is one that the community has lost sight of because the there just aren’t that many copies out there for sale.  The ones that are out there are really high going for 100-115. The ones that are closer to ratio pricing have some non-pressable defects.


Spawn #300 Todd McFarlane 1:50 ”˜Virgin’ Variant

As the excitement for the anniversary narrative slowed down, the prices for raw fell as well, so your looking at a book that fell to the 35-50 range;however, 9.8’s are holding strong at $120.

Marvel Comics #1000 Humberto Ramos Mickey Mouse Variant

1st Official Mickey Mouse in the Marvel Universe For D23; This variant of Marvel Comics #1000 was given away at D23 Expo 2019 to attendees at the MARVEL COMICS: Marvel 80th Anniversary panel.  It is now about $275 raw and $500  9.8.

Image result for Marvel Comics #1000 Humberto Ramos Mickey Mouse Variant

Once and Future 1 Retailer Variant/Boom Studios

I had to give this title some love because of what they were able to accomplish.  Boom! Studios announced Once & Future, a new creator-owned series by Kieron Gillen and Dan Mora,would be 100% free of variant covers and offered full return-ability on every issue. They sought to prove that a new series could succeed by delivering on everything retailers wanted with none of the gimmicks. There are a couple to keep an eye for; there is the SDCC ComicsPro Advanced Edition; and then there is also the retailer thank you variant going for about $80.

Captain Marvel 8 Scarce 1:25 Sean Izaakse Variant 1st App

1st appearance of Star: Despite the direction of the current narrative, this is still staying strong at $60 raw.

Image result for Captain Marvel #8 2019 1:25 Sean Izaakse

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #95 SDCC Edition/IDW

Not mutated from a turtle to a human, but from a human to a turtle.  I forget what the buy in for this was, but it currently is fetching $500 9.8.

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Web of Black Widow #1 1:100 Joe Chiodo

With nothing really special about this book other than this really great cover art, it is a bit of an underachiever for a raw 1:100; however 9.8’s are going for about 160.

Marvel Action Spider-Man #10 Jonboy Meyers 1:10

This is another one that has had some interesting Highs and low.  Its 1st week it was fetching $120 (now $40).  At 1:10 that is still pretty  good for a book with about 11,000 printed.

Luna Snow #1 In-Hyuk Lee 1:100 ”˜Virgin’ Variant 

1st appearance of: Joro Spider, and Charade.  The interest in this title was weak even though it had all the trappings; 1st appearance, a low print run (around 200), and a cover by a hot artist. The 1st week it was only going for $75, now $59.99

 War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 Patrick Zircher 

It seems collectors have already forgotten about this.  Marvel introduced new Chinese superheroes Aero and Sword Master; debuted Korean heroes Luna Snow and Crescent, as well as greeting the Filipina wonder, Wave.  Right now can be had on the secondary market for $150.

 War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 Mico Suayan 1:50

The reason why the Zircher variant fell off may have been a result of this store variant from Unknown Comics and Odyssey. Raw this beauty is going for $300.  9.8’s are in the $500 range.

Image result for War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 Mico Suayan

Uncanny X-Men  #10 David Finch Variant

This is a purely aesthetic choice, no other frills.  It’ll be forgotten in a year but now this single ration is going for at least $20 raw, and a $120 for a 9.8.


Conan Serpent War #1 David Finch 1:100 Variant

In 2019, David Finch was a beast, and definitely earned some clout among speculators. So, in 2020 I may have to start blindly ordering any high ration variants, just in case.  This one right here is going for $280 raw

Image result for Conan Serpent War #1 David Finch 1:100 Variant

White Widow #1/Absolute comics

The difficultly here is that the 1st issue had a lot variants to include the comic con variants most of which did well.  So, I’m just listing this one here because at this time it has the highest secondary price at $280.  I don’t know what to think of the future of this comic, but there has be something in the fact that you can find some of the issue at Target right?

Future Fight Firsts White Fox #1 1:100 In-Hyuk Lee Virgin Var Marvel 2019

I have been hatin’ on the head shot trend but In-Hyuk Lee did a good job here.  We did our best to warn people that this would be a low ordered high ratio.  That’s why owners are perfectly justified in demanding $300 for this.

 Dead Man Logan #4 Gerardo Zaffino 1:25 Variant

Gerardo Zaffino was another cover artist that had a break out year.  $50 for Near Mint raws, and $150 for 9.8’s.



Yeah I know this was recently published but trust me next to nobody ordered this book!  The money hasn’t caught up, but it will once Diamond releases the numbers.


Naomi #1 Cover A/DC

1st appearance of Naomi.  Another Brian Bendis creation, so who knows where this character could end up. The 1st prints are all over the place for Near mint, but 9.8’s are $80.  Not bad for a regular priced comic.

Image result for Naomi #1

 Marvel Comics Presents (Vol. 3) #4 Bill Sienkiewicz 1:50 Variant

This was one of those books that came out of nowhere.  As a 1:50 variant, I am speculating that there are only 280 in circulation, justifying its $300 raw -$550 9.8 price tag.

Image result for Marvel Comics Presents (Vol. 3) #4 Bill Sienkiewicz 1:50 Variant


Sabrina The Teenage Witch (Vol. 4) #1 Adam Hughes ”˜Virgin’ Variant /500

Collectors had been waiting for this for a while, but by the time it came out interested and clout for Hughes had waned, and then before it even came out the black and white was being offered so I don’t suspect many took a wait and see attitude. The original buy in was $20, but now it is fetching $50 raw.

Image result for Sabrina The Teenage Witch (Vol. 4) #1 Adam Hughes ”˜Virgin' Variant /500

Marvel Comics Presents #6

1st appearance of Rien, Another one of Wolverine’s daughters.  This is another one that came out of nowhere.  MSRP $3.99, currently selling for $50 raw.

Marvel Comics Presents #6 Comic Book [1st Apperance of Wolverines Daughter]


 Rick & Morty #50 1:25 Roiland & Harmon Variants

Probably one of the weirdest on the list it came out of nowhere.  Currently fetching $350 raw for the set, which is strange because the first issue of Rick and Morty doesn’t fetch that much.

AOC and the Freshman Force: New Party Who Dis? #1 Wonder Woman Variant

This is the worst entry on the list, and has a lesson that I want collectors to take into 2020.  I will admit that I am partly to blame for this. A collector feeding frenzy ensued after reports on several comic book sites were released that DC Comics had sent a cease-and-desist notice to Devil“s Due Publishing and the NY Collector Cave over this retailer exclusive variant cover. Supposedly the order was for all 250 to be recalled, returned, or destroyed.  The story got picked up by the media, including Fox News, supposedly before the order was imposed.  Here is the problem, the C&D was not posted online so it was hard to determine the extent of the restriction. Nonetheless speculators acted quickly resulting in a self licking ice cream cone that made this a book that was fetching a whopping $500-$700.  Second, in between the numbers of copies that have been popping up online and at some of the comic-cons I have been covering, there is way too many to justify the price for this.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez & Freshman Force Who Dis #1 Cohen Var Banned Mint


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