8 practical tips to write an A+ essay

An essay is a piece of written composition focused on a particular topic. There are two types of essay, formal and informal. 

An informal essay is an essay written for one’s personal pleasure. The writer aims to entertain with writing, expressing personified views, reflections and thoughts on a particular subject matter.

 Sometimes when writing an informal essay the audience might be the writer himself using essay writing as a means to gather and organise his thoughts.

While an informal essay is for one’s reading pleasure, a formal essay is more objective oriented. Formal essays are impersonal and aim to deal with a problem or difficulty. It usually requires lots of research as it is  meant to be informative. If you have ever had to buy a research paper  you’ll find these formal essays are the most outsourced. There are different kinds of formal essays based on structure and objective and they are:

  • Expository essay

This is an informative type of essay that is all about facts. The writer aims to explain or define a topic using useful information. 

  • Argumentative essay

Often mistaken for an persuasive essay, an argumentative essay is about presenting an argument, choosing a side and trying to prove it with valid logical points.

  • Persuasive essay

In a persuasive essay the writer  aims to persuade the audience to accept his point of view or opinion. The writer must be able to establish clear reasons backed with reliable information and facts as to why the audience should agree with him.

  • Narrative essay

In a narrative essay the writer narrates an ordeal, possibly a real life experience. The writer attempts to engage the reader by vivid writing, sometimes  it is written in first person.

  • Descriptive essay

Bearing close semblance with a narrative essay, the objective of a descriptive essay is to literally describe. It could be an event, a place, basically anything. The writer attempts to create an image in the mind of the reader, establishing a deep connection between the reader and the object being described.

To some, writing an essay is like a walk in the park, but don’t be fooled, getting to this level requires lots of practice and writing experience,  for others, it may not be so easy and sometimes they are left with no choice but to buy a research paper, but now that you have a good understanding of essay writing and its various forms, let us go further and equip ourselves with knowledge on how to write a good A+ worthy essay.

Choose your essay topic

Pick a topic and understand what type of essay it is meant to be if not already mentioned. Knowing the kind of essay you’re writing helps you determine the format to be used.

Do research

 Research is vital to gaining valuable information needed for your essay. Visit the local library or cybercafé if the internet is not readily available. Use this time to also brainstorm. Jot down useful ideas and organise them accordingly.

Create an outline

The next thing to do is to create a working outline for your essay. Here you structure your essay in order for it to be organised and be understandable. Most essays have  a simple introduction-body-conclusion style structure, which is quite easy to organise and layout points.

Begin your introduction

The introduction is where you introduce your topic and give your readers clues as to what to expect in the body of the essay. You also introduce your thesis, this usually the main point of your essay and indicates your position on a given topic. Your introduction must not be boring or slack. Be firm and concise in your introduction without unnecessary details.

Layout your points

 Begin to lay out your points one by one, do not be in a hurry as this just leads to a jumbled work. If possible express each point in its own paragraph. This makes for a cleaner work and helps the audience keep up with you.

Establish the facts

Support your arguments or points with substantial evidence gained from your research and make sure the transition between points are smooth and related.

Include references and credits

Do not forget to include credible references and citations, crediting your sources only helps to validate your facts and endorse your essay. 

Avoid plagiarism

Do your best to avoid plagiarism. If you are not fully confident in your writing skills, you should buy a research paper off one of the many custom writing services available and pick a few tips from there.

Conclude and revise your work, be sure to l look for spelling errors and structural flaws and make sure everything gets delivered perfectly. Essay writing is not a skill gained overnight it takes practice and practice makes perfect.

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Juan James


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