Collecting trading cards can be a really fun and engaging hobby. No matter what your age is, you can always delve into the world of trading cards, regardless of whether you’re a kid or a senior. The entire trading card collection is a labor of love and it usually pains an avid collector to see one being frayed at the edges or becoming soggy due to water damage. To avoid these common issues and to make sure they stay in a mint condition that resells readily, you’ll need to take some preventive measures. There aren’t many things that can be done to save a damaged card but if you can follow the advice given, you’ll be able to avoid the hassle altogether.
Most newbies don’t know much about how to preserve their collection but it’s relatively easy to do so once you learn more. We’ll be looking at the various methods of protecting your beloved trading cards that won’t cost you much either. So without further delay, let’s get to it and find out how to keep your cards looking new for years to come.
1. Use Card Binders
Binders have been a controversial choice for many card collectors through the years, and this is large because binders during the 80s and 90s were made of low-quality plastics that can warp over the course of time. However, the binders today are made of high-quality PVC that doesn’t deteriorate as easily. Binders are still one of the coolest looking and sleekest options available and many people choose them simply due to the hassle-free experience. The modern binders avoid all the major pitfalls of older binders since the cards stored in a newer binder will not fray on the edges or get discolored on the front. It’s still debatable if a binder is the best way ahead but it’s still better than using nothing at all to protect your collection.
2. Try Some Card Sleeves
The undisputed king of preserving trading cards is none other than the trusty old sleeve. If you still haven’t tried putting them in sleeves then you’re missing out on a lot of stuff, although once you try them, you’ll not be able to go back to the way things were before. With a sleeve, you can rest assured that your cards won’t be getting discolored or stick to each other. Almost all the veteran card collectors and dedicated card enthusiasts recommend using card sleeves when possible, even the makers of custom MTG sleeves say that using sleeves also allows the collector to admire their collection better. You can easily view both sides of the cards through a sleeve without compromising on the safety provided. You can even order these sleeves in multiple sizes for your collection and these days, most sleeve makers offer customized solutions that look even more stunning.
3. Deck Boxes
All the above options are well and good but the portability and protection provided by boxes are unmatched. Now don’t get us wrong and start stuffing all your precious cards into any cardboard box right away. In any usual cardboard box, your stack will shuffle around and collide with each other which can cause a lot of damage. The deck boxes are specially designed to hold sixty to a hundred cards at a time without letting them bounce around too much. However, you’ll still have to put a sleeve on them if you wish to avoid any damage from bouncing around. These boxes are a great option if you want to still play with your cards or carry them over to a friend’s home as they’re much easier to take them out of when compared to a binder.
These are some of the best options you have available to make sure your trading cards stay safe and to ensure their longevity. The trading cards are really difficult to collect and if you have a collection that you have curated over the years then you wouldn’t want it to get spoiled due to carelessness. If you own a set that is super rare then leaving them exposed to the elements isn’t even an option. Some cards can get really expensive and they hold a lot of value due to their rarity, and this is why it’s important to keep them safe as much as possible. There are many other innovative products out in the market as well, however, these are some of the most trusted and most widely available means that will keep your collection in the best condition it can be.
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