Can Manga Comics Be So Cute They Cause Moebetes?

by Jane Sandwood

From Lolita-like protagonists in Ai Yazawa“s Paradise Kiss to the wide-eyed kitties of Konata Konami“s Chi“s Sweet Home, it is easy to feel like you’ve just opened a box of your favorite chocolates when reading manga comics. Famed for their appealing colors, cutting-edge design and ”˜too cute to be true“ characters, manga imagery can indeed hit a sweet spot, producing a kind of high that can sometimes border on ”˜cringe.“ If you“ve ever felt that a kitten was so cute you wanted to tear into the page, cover it with crayon scribbles, or actually nibble an illustrated ear, you aren“t alone. There is a sensation called ”˜kawaii overload“ or ”˜moebetes,“ and it can be annoying and pleasant all at once.

Cuteness Results In Indulgence

One effect that cute manga comics can have, is that you just have to have them. One study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that products such as these ”“ which emphasize ”˜baby features“ like large eyes and chubby cheeks ”“ bring out more indulgent behavior in consumers. The researchers found that not all cuteness is actually alike. In the study, participants were told to serve themselves as much ice-cream as they wanted. Some had standard scoops, while others had kawaii (playful and cute) shaped scoops. Can you imagine which scoop caused the most ice-cream consumption? The playful one, of course!

What Do Moebetes And Diabetes Have In Common?

It is amazing to think that moebetes – ultimately a cultural phenomenon which is not a serious health concern – can have so much in common with real sweetness overload – as occurs, for instance, with diabetes. What unites these two issues is the fact that the thing causes the ”˜problem“ ”“ sugar in the case of diabetes, and a kawaii illustration in manga ”“ can be incredibly appealing. Sometimes what causes you  harm can be very difficult indeed to resist. Even pregnant women with high glucose levels are placed on specific diets to curb excess sugar consumption. This is because the consequences of diabetes can be very serious for mother and baby. For instance, babies can be born before their due date, and both mothers and babies can be more prone to developing Type 2 diabetes in the long term. Following a structured diet is key because the stakes are so high. The same cannot be said of moebetes. Cuteness overload is ultimately not a matter of grave concern, but it can sometimes leave those who experience it a little worried.

Can Moebetes Actually Interfere With Your Quality Of Life?

Moebetes, which has not been studied in detail by researchers thus far, can nevertheless be safely classified as a harmless bugbear, similar to the unpleasant sensation you can feel when someone scratches their fingernails down a blackboard. One study by researchers at the University of California – Riverside, however, found that it can be a little worrisome for the person experiencing it. This occurs when the feeling is at its most severe, and moebetes turns in to ”˜cuteness aggression.“ Something can be so adorable you desire to squeeze or ”˜harm“ it in some way. Scientists assert that sometimes, you may look at a puppy and fight an urge to nibble its ear, or you may see a super cute baby and want to pinch its cheeks ”“ all the while wishing to do no harm in the slightest to said baby or pup. If you feel like this when reading your mangas, don“t worry. It has scientific reasons, and none of them show cause for worry. According to scientists, sometimes, people can feel that kawaii levels are overwhelming: “too much to handle.”“ Cuteness aggression is simply the brain“s way of bringing you back down to Earth, so you can counter the sensation of being overwhelmed.

Moebetes ”“ which involves being taken aback by a cute manga, or indeed, any babyish or cute person or pet ”“ is a normal response that you should accept as an impermanent occurrence when you experience it. After all, despite the big wave of emotion that manga can produce, nothing is forever, and this fleeting feeling will soon give way to one of greater balance and peace. It might just be your brain that comes to the rescue, so if you feel like tearing the page or biting the book cover, take a deep breath and enjoy the rush”¦ it“s sugar-free!

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