Comic Crusaders State of the Union Summer 2021
Hey Fellow Crusaders, Hope all of you have been well during this year of total madness. It’s been awhile since I gave an update on all the amazing happenings in the world of the Comic Crusaders Family and I figured it’s time as we do have plenty of good stuff going on. Here’s a quick rundown:
Comic Crusaders quickly rose the ranks on the Feedspot ranking for comic book news sites, during Covid we went from 25th place to 12th! UCPN went from 28th to 18! Thank you everyone that visits the websites and enjoys the content. The question most have is why such a quick rise? With fellow Crusader, Lance Lucero’s help, we identified key areas that attributed to our growth:
- Great pop culture coverage, far and wide.
- Professionally and Independently operated.
- Hate free! We Support ALL Creators!
- Great writers and podcasters/vidcasters.
- Globally diverse and professional.
- Website and Social Media is Constantly updated.
- and more………
We also never shy away from opportunities to engage in new tech that helps present our content on different platforms, in 2021 we launched the Comic Crusaders App on the Google Play Store I promise iOS is coming soon! It’s a 1 stop shop for all things in the Comic Crusaders World! Shout out to Custom Mobile App for helping to create this app! We also have a actual comic shop/pull-list in the works, thanks to our Director of Retail Operations, Lucas Fashina, that is also a Senior Contributor to CC as well as a panelist on It’s Drunken Chat and NO-Prize Podcast.
App Note: Due to a syncing issue the news feature has been removed while we fix it.
Also, I won a cool prize at Podfest this year, a PodBoxx that includes a high end mic, headphones and also new intro/outro for our podcast/vidcast, and logo for the Comic Crusaders Podcast. Big shout out and thank you to the Podfest community and Streamlined Podcasts for their generosity, this will definitely bring a higher quality experience to the show! Podfest had also allowed me an opportunity to speak at the 3-Day Weekend Summit, hosted by my good friend and coach, Wade Galt (which I Met via Podfest). It allowed me the opportunity to speak on how I built a cool business while working a day job and finally getting the opportunity have a 3 day weekend! Check out the new logo for the podcast:
This past year we also have made a big push on video content. The team has been producing awesome stuff, just check out Comic Crusaders World on YouTube or Comic Crusaders on Twitch to check out all the content that our team is creating! We’ve spoken to top talent in not just the comic book industry but even Hollywood actors and up and coming titans in tech!
UPDATE 6/18/2021: I am also very pleased and happy to announce that we at Comic Crusaders were not just nominated but won the Acquisition International Business Excellence Award 2021 for Best Pop Culture Comic Books – USA! This make me very proud! A congrats to ALL the Crusaders as this is a team win!
It’s been a good year, now to be honest we are looking to monetize to help pay the bills to run the sites and shows. So those interested in advertising opportunities on our network, please contact us, we’d be more than happy to help! First a HUGE shout out to the whole CC Family, these people are family and I’m so proud to know them and work with them! and of course a Thank you Crusaders without you, this wouldn’t be a thing!
Al Mega and the CC/UCPN Family!
Author Profile
- I'm Al Mega the CEO of Comic Crusaders, CEO of the Undercover Capes Podcast Network, CEO of Geekery Magazine & Owner of Splintered Press (coming soon). I'm a fan of comics, cartoons and old school video games. Make sure to check out our podcasts/vidcasts and more!
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